Editors: Bente Wold, Oddrun Samdal

An Ecological Perspective on Health Promotion Systems, Settings and Social Processes

Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $78
Printed Copy: US $78
ISBN: 978-1-60805-564-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-341-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080534141120101


This e-book adds a new dimension to currently available text in health promotion by applying examples from evaluation studies to explore basic health promotion principles. It thus goes beyond single case study descriptions. The volume intricately blends an ecological approach with social science.

A multiple settings approach is extensively covered by analyzing participants’ perceptions of the family, leisure and school settings. Chapters of this volume also present intervention data aiming at promoting participants’ perceptions and empowerment in the settings. Furthermore, the e-book covers several topic areas central to health promotion, such as life satisfaction, health behaviours (tobacco, physical activity) and health complaints and body image. Another central principle in health promotion, namely development of healthy public policy is covered including descriptions about how health promotion policies are influenced by national and international political developments. This historical perspective adds to the current knowledge of how to establish and develop policies as a basis for all health promotion actions.


Bente Wold
University of Bergen

Oddrun Samdal
University of Bergen

Leif Edvard Aarø
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Postbox 4404 Nydalen
OSLO, N-0403

Department of Health Promotion and Development Christiesgate 13
University of Bergen
Bergen, N-5015

Alan John Flisher†
University of Cape Town
Faculty of Health Sciences
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Adolescent Health Research Unit
Private Bag Observatory
Cape Town, 7935
South Africa

Elisabeth Fosse
Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 13
Bergen, N-5015

Ingrid Holsen
Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 13
Bergen, N-5015

Maurice B. Mittelmark
Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 13
Bergen, N-5015

Øystein Mortensen
Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 13
Bergen, N-5015

Oddrun Samdal
Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 13
Bergen, N-5015

Frode Thuen
Bergen University College
Centre for knowledge based practice
Møllendalsveien 6
Bergen, N-5009

Torbjørn Torsheim
Department of Psychosocial Science
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 12
Bergen, N-5015

Bente Wold
Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 13
Bergen, N-5015


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