Editor: Jordana L. Maisel

The State of the Science in Universal Design: Emerging Research and Developments

eBook: US $53 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $155
Printed Copy: US $128
Library License: US $212
ISBN: 978-1-60805-091-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-063-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2010
DOI: 10.2174/97816080506351100101


The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Universal Design and the Built Environment (RERC-UD), a federally funded research center located in The University at Buffalo, hosted a series of State of the Science (SOS) Activities in 2008. The SOS activities generated a large number of papers on both research and the practice of universal design in community infrastructures, public buildings, and housing. This Ebook contains a selected group of these papers that provide a survey of notable developments in the field, reflections on how research and practice can be advanced further, and propose an agenda for the near future. It is hoped that the book will be found useful for researchers, students and practitioners in this field.


We will look back at the beginning of the 21st Century, as the time when society began to have an enlightened appreciation for the uniqueness, limitations, and richness of the resources of our world – natural and human. We are beginning to recognize how the sustainability movement affects all aspects of our lives (and the lives of those to come). Moreover, we are beginning to appreciate the pivotal role that Universal Design can play in creating a sustainable society that cost effectively empowers all people in our society to maximize their potential.

This appreciation, however, comes with a price – proof of the value that UD can play. Society is increasingly hesitant to commit resources for unfounded promises. Universal Design has always seemed like the right “moral” thing to do but does it really make sense from an economic/benefits standpoint? Evidence-Based Design is the tool that is providing the data that supports a positive answer to that question. The work discussed in this monograph lays the foundation for applying Evidence-Based Design to the field of Universal Design, justifying and guiding the efforts of researchers, practitioners, and users.

The RERC-UD State of the Science Conference, held at the 2008 ICADI Conference in St Petersburg, FL, gave us not only the wealth of documented information presented in this monograph, but equally important, it brought together researchers and practitioners from around the world, providing them with intellectual and moral support and putting a face on the movement. Seeing the international similarities (and differences) has given us hope for a worldwide sustainability movement that has a human face.

The international researchers, thinkers, architects, educators, practitioners and just plain people who are advocating Universal Design will find much support in this book.

John P.S. Salmen, AIA
President - Universal Designers & Consultants, Inc.


.Changing Landscapes in Urban British Churchyards.
.Changing Humanities and Smart Application of Digital Technologies.
.The Rights of Minorities: Cultural Groups, Migrants, Displaced Persons and Sexual Identity.
.Human Rights Issues and Vulnerable Groups.
.Occupant Behaviour in Buildings: Advances and Challenges.
.Numerical Methods and Implementation in Geotechnical Engineering – Part 2.
.Numerical Methods and Implementation in Geotechnical Engineering – Part 1.
.Bio-Inspired Materials.