Editors: Agnes E.G. Walker, James R.G. Butler, Stephen Colagiuri

Health Policy in Ageing Populations: Economic Modeling of Chronic Disease Policy Options in Australia

Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $92
Printed Copy: US $92
ISBN: 978-1-60805-817-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-816-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2013
DOI: 10.2174/97816080581671130101


In a global environment of rapid increases in health expenditures, health policies in Australia and in many other countries are currently undergoing major reforms. To contain future cost increases, accurate tools able to identify and rank ‘best value for money’ health investments are essential.

In Australia non-communicable chronic diseases – e.g. diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis and mental disorders – affect the majority of the elderly, account for 70% of health expenditures, and cause poor health, deteriorating quality of life and premature death. This book focuses on how to identify ‘best value for money’ health investments within the context of on-going and future health reforms, and on quantifying the major benefits that would flow from such investments in terms of longer and better lives. This book will be of interest to general readers, social and economic researchers, and students interested in health care in ageing populations.


- Pp. i-iii (3)
Norman Swan
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- Pp. iv-v (2)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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List of Contributors

- Pp. vi
Agnes E.G. Walker
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- Pp. 3-7 (5)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Can Australia Maintain its High Ranking in Health?

- Pp. 8-12 (5)
Agnes E.G. Walker, Stephen Colagiuri
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Recent Policy Reforms

- Pp. 13-17 (5)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Overview of Australia’s Chronic Disease Model

- Pp. 18-32 (15)
Agnes E.G. Walker, James R.G. Butler
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Chronic Disease Model-System – Detailed Descriptions

- Pp. 33-65 (33)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Model Validation, Generalisability and Limitations

- Pp. 66-75 (10)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Illustrative Simulations Using HealthAgeingMod

- Pp. 76-81 (6)
Agnes E.G. Walker, James R.G. Butler, Stephen Colagiuri
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Simulating a Policy Relevant Reform Option with HealthAgeingMod

- Pp. 82-105 (24)
Agnes E.G. Walker, James R.G. Butler, Stephen Colagiuri, Crystal Man Ying Lee
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Issues for 21st Century Health Policy Concerning Chronic Diseases

- Pp. 106-115 (10)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Could Health Modeling be Improved or Better Used?

- Pp. 116-132 (17)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Concluding Remarks

- Pp. 133-134 (2)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Appendix A: National Health Survey 2004-05

- Pp. 135
Agnes E.G. Walker
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Appendix B: Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Survey (AusDiab)

- Pp. 136-137 (2)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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- Pp. 138-141 (4)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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- Pp. 142-149 (8)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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- Pp. 150-159 (10)
Agnes E.G. Walker
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