Author: Emmanuel C. Alozie

"Capitalist Realism” in Africa: Realities and Myths in Advertising

eBook: US $29 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $77
Printed Copy: US $62
Library License: US $116
ISBN: 978-1-60805-977-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-976-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816080597681150101


“Capitalist Realism” in Africa: Realities and Myths in Advertising is a multifaceted analysis of the role of advertising in the national development of Nigeria, and by extension, other African Nations. The book examines the unique political, cultural and religious systems that create the context for advertising in African countries and describes the unique historical, social, economic, communication and political context within which the practice of advertising takes place.

Since the end of the Cold War, the several African nations (or "emerging countries") have undertaken concrete efforts to reform their political, social, and economic institutions as they strive to join the global economy and improve the socioeconomic conditions of their citizens. To achieve these goals, administrators have relied on various forms of mass media – including advertising – to promote these reforms and socioeconomic development. Despite some unique challenges and opportunities as well as controversies surrounding the role of advertising in developing economies, advertising literature relevant to African countries remains in a blind spot. “Capitalist Realism” in Africa: Realities and Myths in Advertising bridges this gap by offering an in-depth analysis of advertising in an area of the world that has been largely neglected and provides a ground for generating a discussion about the practice of advertising in an African context.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Social Sciences & Humanities, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.


This book explores the role of advertising in society with an emphasis on Nigeria, African countries and emerging regions. It covers a wide range of subjects in advertising and its impact on societies. The book examines Nigerian and African historical, socio-cultural, and religious systems as well as the political, economic, and communication structures that create contexts for the practice of advertising in Nigeria and Africa. It incorporates the role of advertising on a global perspective in an era of globalization where information and communication technologies have made the world economy increasingly interdependent, thus enhancing the role of advertising.

Following the end of the Cold War, capitalism became the dominant world economic philosophy. Considering this many emerging countries have undertaken concrete steps to reform their political, social, and economic institutions as they strive to join the global economy so as to improve the socioeconomic welfare of their masses, it becomes necessary to examine the influence of the oil that fuels capitalist economies. To achieve these goals, policymakers have relied on various forms of mass media to promote reforms and socioeconomic development. One of these vehicles is advertising—the “capitalist realism”.

Despite the importance and controversy associated with the role of promotional communications in developing countries, studies on the role and impact of advertising in their economies continue to be a blind spot in communications and marketing literature. This book bridges that gap. It offers an in-depth sociocultural and semiotic analysis of the role of advertising in an area of the world that has been largely neglected. The book does not simply illustrate the challenges and opportunities facing advertising in a non-Western context, it proposes and offers solutions regarding the practice of advertising.

Emmanuel C. Alozie
Governors State University


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