Editors: Bashir M. Matata , Maqsood M. Elahi

The Molecular Basis for the Link between Maternal Health and the origin of Fetal Congenital Abnormalities: An Overview of Association with Oxidative Stress

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $123
Printed Copy: US $98
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-536-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-286-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080528681110101


This e-book discusses the molecular relationship between biological systems and risk factors for in-utero oxidative insults, maternal health and the impact on fetus at different critical developmental time windows (prenatal or even postnatal). Plausibly, prenatal and early postnatal periods are the most critical “windows” to oxidative stress programming insults. Pro-oxidative stress is a common feature of many conditions associated with adverse fetal growth and/or preterm birth, such as pre-eclampsia, diabetes, smoking, malnutrition or excessive nutrition, infection or inflammation. Oxidative stress insults may be directly linked to or associated with many genetic, nutritional and environmental risk factors that contribute to risks of adverse fetal growth or preterm birth. This e-book should be a valuable reference for medical researchers and working professionals interested in congenital defects.


When I was a medical student taking biochemistry, a professor and an expert in protein folding explained from the lecture. “I don’t expect you to remember how proteins fold. I am here to show you a window by which you judge the world.” I am a busy clinical cardiovascular surgeon and not a molecular biochemist but I often look through his window and postulate how protein conformation could relate to antigen presentation in transplantation immunology, how proteins stick to surfaces of our extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuits, and how genetic alterations result in abnormal protein conformations affecting tissue integrity.

Effective translational research requires that clinicians frequently refresh their view through many basic science windows. I have witnessed many successful translational research efforts in various institutions that I have been fortunate to be a part, e.g. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Mayo Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and Heart Science Center at Harefield, UK.

This book attempts to provide a similar integrative window view to a problem with international research interests larger than any institution. It is a collection of precise research into the mechanism of fetal oxidative stress, temporal susceptibility to the insult, and long-term sequelae. It is only through forums, like this, that the work of various laboratories is inextricably linked towards the common goal of disease prevention.

There are much epidemiological evidences that various environmental factors are associated with an increased incidence of fetal congenital abnormalities. These include maternal alcohol and cocaine abuse, exposure to radiation, exposure to pesticides, temporal exposure to certain medications (teratogens), advanced maternal age, maternal morbid obesity, and markedly elevated maternal hemoglobin A1c. The understanding of these and other associations have contributed greatly towards improved maternal and fetal health in the 20th century on individual basis. In summary, a real prevalence of fetal congenital abnormalities in the 21st century remains there. The key link remains undefined. Is it fetal oxidative stress?

In allopathic medicine, we treat end stage disease at an organ level medically or surgically often decades after the causative insult. This represents an enormous disconnect. It is quite inefficient and certainly not cost effective. Drs. Matata and Elahi present a laudable effort in reducing this disconnection. The search for prevention continues in many disease processes. Ultimately, the understanding requires a molecular approach for a complete picture. I applaud the contributing authors for their most valuable insights.

Kenton J. Zehr, M.D.

Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Director, Center for Aortic Disease

Scott & White Clinic

Professor of Surgery

Texas A & M University, Health Science Center, School of Medicine

Temple, Texas


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