Cultural Adaptation of Evidence Based Psychotherapies for Mental Health Disorders in Pakistan
Anwar Khan, Amalia Madihie and Rehman Ullah Khan
Pre-Order Enquiry
Machine Learning Analysis of Psychosomatic Disorders in Women and the Impact of Yogic Intervention and Panchkarma
Shalini Vohra, Roohi Sille, Tanupriya Choudhury, S. Balmurugan and Jung-Sup Um
Pre-Order Enquiry
Occupational Therapy Practice in Mental Health: Models, Conditions, Interventions and Recovery
Tawanda Machingura
Pre-Order Enquiry
Psychiatric Assessment of Individuals Linked to Radicalization and Terrorism
Carlo Lazzari
Pre-Order Enquiry
Jean-Pierre Louboutin
Pre-Order Enquiry
The Psychopharmacology in Pregnancy
Laura Orsolini
Pre-Order Enquiry
Shadow and Light: Differing Faces of Psychopathic Personality
Christopher J. Patrick and Kathryn R. Patrick
Pre-Order Enquiry