Authors: Reza Ranjbar-Karimi, Alireza Poorfreidoni

Perhalopyridines: Synthesis and Synthetic Utility

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ISBN: 978-981-14-7377-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7379-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114737911200101
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Halogenated pyridines can be used as interesting starting materials in a wide range of organic synthesis methods. Substituted pyridine compounds are used generally as starting materials in the nucleophilic substitution reactions and have unique scaffolds for the construction of other heterocyclic and macrocyclic compounds. They also have important medicinal properties. Due to synthetic difficulties in the synthesis of the highly substituted pyridine derivatives from pyridine itself, perhalopyridines have a special importance in this regard. This book covers the synthetic reactions and applications of perhalopyridines. An introductory chapter introduces the reader to the physical and chemical properties of halopyridines, followed by 3 chapters which focus on pentafluoropyridine, pentachloropyridine and pentabromopyridine, respectively. The focused chapters provide information about synthetic methods and relevant nucleophilic reactions for each of the listed perhalopyridines and their derivatives. The book is a quick reference on perhalopyridines for students of applied chemistry, organic chemistry and chemical engineering.


This book highlights all aspects of the synthetic reactions and various applications of perhalopyridines. Halogenated pyridines can be used as interesting starting materials in a wide range of organic synthesis and/or synthetic organic methodologies. Substituted pyridine compounds are used generally as starting materials in the nucleophilic substitution reactions. Also, they have important features of various medicinal agents. Due to synthetic difficulties in the synthesis of the highly substituted pyridine derivatives from pyridine itself, perhalopyridines have special importance in this regard. The author, Prof. Reza Ranjbar-Karimi, has attracted many outstanding contributions to emphasize regio- and chemoselectivity of perhalopyridines toward various nucleophiles. I think that this book will be a very valuable source of information for every chemist in the area of heterocyclic chemistry and a useful document in the area of synthetic/medicinal chemistry.

Mohammad Ali Zolfigol
Bu-Ali Sina University


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