Author: Anshul Bansal

Basics of Organic Chemistry A Textbook for Undergraduate Students

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $101
Printed Copy: US $71
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-5223-23-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-22-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152232241240101


Basics of Organic Chemistry: A Textbook for Undergraduate Students is an essential guide for students who are learning organic chemistry. The book provides a clear and thorough introduction to fundamental concepts, beginning with the topic of structure and bonding, which lays the foundation by exploring atomic structure, hybridization, and chemical bonds. The second chapter on reaction mechanisms breaks down the processes and factors influencing chemical reactions. The next chapter introduces readers to reactive Intermediates including transient species like carbocations and free radicals, while the final two chapters on Stereochemistry and organic compounds examine the spatial arrangement of atoms and its impact on chemical properties.

Key features:

- Clear explanations with detailed illustrations and structured chapters

- Real-world examples to connect theory with practice

- End-of-chapter exercises for self-assessment

- Bibliography for further reading

Designed for undergraduate students of chemistry and allied subjects, this textbook is a valuable resource for advanced studies, in organic chemistry, exam preparation, and laboratory work.


Undergraduate students


- Pp. i
Anshul Bansal*
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- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Anshul Bansal*
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Structure and Bonding

- Pp. 1-77 (77)
Anshul Bansal*

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General Principles of Organic Reaction Mechanism

- Pp. 78-122 (45)
Anshul Bansal*

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Reactive Intermediates

- Pp. 123-164 (42)
Anshul Bansal*

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Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-I

- Pp. 165-222 (58)
Anshul Bansal*

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Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-II

- Pp. 223-275 (53)
Anshul Bansal*

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- Pp. 276-277 (2)
Anshul Bansal*
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- Pp. 278
Anshul Bansal*
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Subject Index

- Pp. 279-284 (6)
Anshul Bansal*
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