Editor: Rituparna Acharya

A Comprehensive Guide to Nanoparticles in Medicine

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $90
Printed Copy: US $65
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-68108-836-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-835-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810883581210101


This handbook explains the application of nanoparticles in medical diagnosis and treatment. It is a ready reference on the subject, starting with the introduction to nanoparticles and progressing to synthetic procedures for nanotherapeutics, human disease diagnosis and nanocarrier-based drug delivery. The book also covers information about specific nanoparticle conjugates, in which nanoparticles are combined with drugs or nucleic acid strands (DNA, siRNAs, shRNAs, miRNAs) as well as topics of relevant to this field such as immunotherapy and vaccination development strategies. Each chapter also provides references for further reading.

A Comprehensive Guide to Nanoparticles in Medicine is an ideal resource for scholars in medicine, pharmacology and technology who require an understanding to some basic facets of nanoparticles.


- Pp. i
Jui Chakraborty
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- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Rituparna Acharya
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- Pp. iv
Rituparna Acharya
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Introduction of Nanoparticles in Medicine

- Pp. 1-6 (6)
Rituparna Acharya*

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The Procedure of Synthesis of Nanoparticles Used as Diagnostics and Therapy Available till Date

- Pp. 7-38 (32)
Rituparna Acharya*

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Recent Progress of Nanoparticles Used in the Diagnosis of Different Types of Diseases

- Pp. 39-56 (18)
Rituparna Acharya*

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Drug Delivery through Nanoparticle in Treatment of Diseases

- Pp. 57-69 (13)
Rituparna Acharya*

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Nanoparticle-DNA Conjugate: The Treatment and Diagnostic Option for Future Cure of Diseases

- Pp. 70-82 (13)
Rituparna Acharya*

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Nanoparticle Conjugated with siRNA for Treatment of Different Types of Disease Conditions

- Pp. 83-99 (17)
Rituparna Acharya*

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shRNA-Nanoparticle Conjugate as a Therapeutic Option

- Pp. 100-116 (17)
Rituparna Acharya*

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miRNA and Nanoparticle Conjugate as a Future Therapeutic Approach

- Pp. 117-134 (18)
Rituparna Acharya*

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Nanoparticle Immunotherapy

- Pp. 135-151 (17)
Rituparna Acharya*

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Nanoparticle Vaccines

- Pp. 152-166 (15)
Rituparna Acharya*

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- Pp. 167-170 (4)
Rituparna Acharya*
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- Pp. 171-174 (4)
Rituparna Acharya
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Subject Index

- Pp. 175-184 (10)
Rituparna Acharya
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