Editor: Mohammad Reza Namazi

Textbook of Advanced Dermatology: Pearls for Academia and Skin Clinics (Part 2)

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $142
Printed Copy: US $112
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-5238-10-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5238-09-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152380991240101


Textbook of Advanced Dermatology: Pearls for Academia and Skin Clinics is an essential reference for practicing dermatologists in hospitals and clinics. The book aims to provide interesting tips which cannot be found in traditional dermatology handbooks. The contributors include top minds in dermatology and related fields such as Joe Niamtu, Samuel Lam, and Steven Feldman. Topics in the book include novel, original formulations for topical compounds, ways to improve patient adherence to prescriptions, business tips, novelties in skin surgery, and solutions for preventing patient complaints and legal suits. The book also highlights the author’s personal experiences gained over many years in improving everyday clinical dermatology practice.

The book is divided into 5 sections each representing ‘pearls’ of advice: Teaching Pearls, Medical Pearls, Publication Pearls, Procedural Pearls, and Business Pearls, encompassing all of the broad realm of dermatology.


- Pp. i
Mohammad Reza Namazi
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii-iii (2)

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- Pp. iv
Mohammad Reza Namazi
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Video Contents and Transcripts

- Pp. v-ix (5)
Mohammad Reza Namazi

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How to Prevent Lawsuits and Complaints?

- Pp. 1-6 (6)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Laser Hair Removal: Pearls

- Pp. 7-8 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Laser Vaginal Tightening

- Pp. 9-10 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Miscellaneous Laser and Light Pearls

- Pp. 11-12 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Microneedling, Co2 Laser and Topical Vitamin D to Improve Scars Rapidly

- Pp. 13-14 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Botulinum Toxin Injection Pearls

- Pp. 15-29 (15)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Filler Injection Pearls

- Pp. 30-39 (10)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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G-Spot Enhancement with Filler or Plasma

- Pp. 40-41 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Non-surgical Enhancement of the Jawline: A Stepwise Injection Technique & Discussion of Lower Face Danger Zones

- Pp. 42-51 (10)
Kay Durairaj*, Omer Baker, Monalea Yambao, Jacob Linnemann-Heath

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An Efficient Way for Subcision

- Pp. 52-53 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Expediting the Healing of Surgical Wounds

- Pp. 54-55 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Cryotherapy Pearls

- Pp. 56-58 (3)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Aseptic Techniques in British and Australian Dermatosurgeries: Do not Be Obsessed!

- Pp. 59-60 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Anesthesia Must-Know Pearls

- Pp. 61-67 (7)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Do Not Forget Clonidine!

- Pp. 68-69 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Some Important Points on Keloid Management

- Pp. 70-74 (5)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Resecting Keloids

- Pp. 75-77 (3)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Intralesional 5-FU for Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas

- Pp. 78-79 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Electrocautery and Electrosurgery Pearls

- Pp. 80-86 (7)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Surgical Pearls for Improving Scars

- Pp. 87-91 (5)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Some Wound Closure and Suturing Tips

- Pp. 92-96 (5)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Scar Spreading: Cause and Management

- Pp. 97-99 (3)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Buried Reverse Vertical Stitch for Closure of Dead Space and Tethering the Wound Closure Line to the Wound Base

- Pp. 100-101 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Margins Used For Excising Benign and Malignant Lesions

- Pp. 102-103 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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What to Do If Some Margins Are Not Clear in Cancer Surgery?

- Pp. 104-105 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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The Versatility of the Rhombic Flap

- Pp. 106-122 (17)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Tips on Wedge Resection of the Lip

- Pp. 123-124 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Richard Motley

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Karapandzic Flap

- Pp. 125-127 (3)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Resection of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the Lip Corner

- Pp. 128
Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Mohsen Alirezai

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Some Examples of Interesting Reconstructions

- Pp. 129-144 (16)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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The Use of the Extensively Mobilized Island Pedicle Flap for Reconstruction of Lower Eyelid/Upper Cheek Defects

- Pp. 145-148 (4)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Choosing Flap Instead of Simple Closure for Aesthetic Reasons

- Pp. 149
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Skin Grafting Pearls

- Pp. 150-157 (8)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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What to Do If a Patient Complains of Difficulty Breathing Through the Nose Following a Nasal Reconstruction?

- Pp. 158-159 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Vahid Dastgerdi

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Estimating the Scalp Movement for Closing an Ensuing Defect

- Pp. 160-162 (3)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Mohammad Khanchefalak

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The Laissez-Faire Technique in Periocular Reconstruction

- Pp. 163-166 (4)
Richard Reza Caesar*

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Glomus Tumor Removal

- Pp. 167-169 (3)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Dimple Creation: Practical Pearls

- Pp. 170-173 (4)
Seied Omid Keyhan*, Mahsa Aeinehvand, Parisa Yousefi, Mohammad Reza Namazi

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Lipotransfer Pearls

- Pp. 174-180 (7)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Submental and Jowl Liposuction: Pearls and Pitfalls

- Pp. 181-185 (5)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Niamtu Joe III

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How to Enhance Angiogenesis for Improving the Results of Transplantations (Skin Graft, Hair Transplant, Fat Transfer) and Expediting the Healing of Chronic Wounds?

- Pp. 186-187 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Lateral Brow Lift and Fox Eye/Cat Eye Procedure with PDO Lifting Threads

- Pp. 188-193 (6)
Nejat Can, Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Shohreh Ghasemi

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Upper Blepharoplasty Pearls

- Pp. 194-214 (21)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Surgical Hair Restoration

- Pp. 215-223 (9)
Samuel M. Lam*

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Hair Transplantation Tips

- Pp. 224-230 (7)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Hairline Design: A Practical and Easy Method

- Pp. 231-234 (4)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*, Mohammad Khanchefalak

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Buccal Fat Pad Removal: Pearls and Pitfalls

- Pp. 235-240 (6)
Gisella Nele*, Valerio Finocchi, Fabrizio Schönauer, Damiano Tambasco, Mohammad Reza Namazi

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Sclerotherapy Pearls

- Pp. 241-251 (11)
Elise Martin*, Payman Kosari, Girish Munavalli

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Miscellaneous Procedural Pearls

- Pp. 252-266 (15)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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How Do You Sadly Lose your Cosmetic Patient Very Easily

- Pp. 267
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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The 80/20 Rule and Its Practical Implications

- Pp. 268-269 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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How to Save Your Clinic in the Business Storms?

- Pp. 270-273 (4)
Mohammad Zohrevand*

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High-Yield Business Tips for Dermatologists

- Pp. 274-281 (8)
Wendy Lewis*

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Some Device and Safety Pearls

- Pp. 282-283 (2)
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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- Pp. 284
Mohammad Reza Namazi*

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Subject Index

- Pp. 285-290 (6)
Mohammad Reza Namazi
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