Editor: J. Alberto del Real Alcalà

Series Title: Current and Future Developments in Law

The Rights of Minorities: Cultural Groups, Migrants, Displaced Persons and Sexual Identity

Volume 2

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $151
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $156
ISSN: 2589-0107 (Print)
ISSN: 2589-0115 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-594-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-593-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810859371170201


This volume focuses on the rights of minorities. Minorities are often subject to discrimination and individuals find themselves being rejected by the majority. In such cases, people belonging to a minority suffer through hostile situations. Minorities discussed in this book are defined in terms of cultural groups, migrants, displaced persons, sexual minorities (sexual identity). As with the previous volume, readers are informed about the concept of human rights, as an instrument through which civil society tries to eliminate the hostility and suffering of minorities and restores a situation of normality. Minorities must also accept that a democratic society is governed by majority rule and the Rule of Law.

The Rights of Minorities: Cultural Groups, Migrants, Displaced Persons and Sexual Identity discusses four types of minorities: cultural groups, migrants, displaced persons, sexual minorities, and policy on minorities. The book is a detailed reference for graduates and scholars in law, human rights activism, political science, sociology and social psychology. The volume is also recommended for working professionals who operate with human rights groups and general readers (non-experts) who want to understand the discourse about human rights in a holistic (moral, legal, social, economic, and political) framework.

Preface I

- Pp. i-vi (6)
Rafael de Asís Roig
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Preface II

- Pp. vii-viii (2)
J. Alberto del Real Alcala
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ix
J. Alberto del Real Alcala
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Cultural Rights and Vulnerable People in a Multicultural World

- Pp. 1-33 (33)
J. Alberto del Real Alcala

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The Case-Law Concept of Reasonable Accommodation: The European Court of Human Rights Facing the Governance of Cultural and Religious Diversity in the Public Space

- Pp. 34-56 (23)
Maria Elosegui Itxaso

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Language Rights and Linguistic Groups: From International Law to Domestic Legal Protection (The Case of Spain)

- Pp. 57-88 (32)
Eva Pons-Parera

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A Human Rights Perspective on the Vulnerability of Migrants

- Pp. 89-112 (24)
Angeles Solanes Corella

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The Human Rights of the Migrants

- Pp. 113-130 (18)
Juan Antonio Gomez Garcia

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Gender Discrimination, Immigration and Multiculturalism

- Pp. 131-144 (14)
Catalina Ruiz-Rico Ruiz, Luis Francisco Sanchez Caceres

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Internally Displaced Persons: A Vulnerable Group in Need of Protection

- Pp. 145-162 (18)
Cristina Churruca Muguruza, Patricia García Amado

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Human Rights Violations of Vulnerable Groups in Conflict Situations

- Pp. 163-174 (12)
Ana Maria Jara Gomez

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Conceptual Approach and Proposals for the Assertion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Rights

- Pp. 175-194 (20)
Cristina Monereo Atienza

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Exploring the Intersections of Disadvantaged Groups Protection: In Pursuit of Development

- Pp. 195-212 (18)
Maria Isabel Garrido Gomez

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Rationality and Discrimination in the Political Integration of Minorities

- Pp. 213-228 (16)
Jose Antonio Lopez Garcia

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National Minorities and Secession Today: Surpassing the Right to Self-Determination

- Pp. 229-253 (25)
Joan Ridao Martin

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The Right to Access by Non-Dominant Linguistic Communities to the Mass Media

- Pp. 254-287 (34)
Inigo Urrutia-Libarona

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Subject Index

- Pp. 288-295 (8)
J. Alberto del Real Alcala
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.Changing Landscapes in Urban British Churchyards.
.Changing Humanities and Smart Application of Digital Technologies.
.Human Rights Issues and Vulnerable Groups.