Editor: Firuz Zare

Electromagnetic Interference Issues in Power Electronics and Power Systems

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $110
Printed Copy: US $88
Library License: US $176
ISBN: 978-1-60805-388-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-240-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080524001110101


This E-Book focuses on conducted and radiated emission noise generated by different power converters such as Switch Mode power Supplies and DC-AC Inverters. EMI filter design and different approaches to predict common mode and differential mode noise are illustrated in detail. Common mode and surge voltage issues in AC machines have also been addressed and discussed in this E-book. The E-book is intended for helping engineers and students to analyze EMI problems in electrical and electronic systems.


The purpose of this E-Book is to address advanced topics of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in modern power electronics and power systems. This book aims at practicing engineers and graduate students and will be of immense help to them while analyzsing EMI problems in electrical and electronic systems.

This E-Book focuses on conducted and radiated emission noise generated by different power converters such as Switch Mode Power Supplies and DC-AC Converters. EMI filter design and different approaches to predict common mode and differential mode noise are discussed in detail. One of the challenging issues in power converters is the thermal problem due to heat generated by switching devices. In this E-book, the effects of heatsink on conducted and radiated noise have been taken into account. Common mode and surge voltage issues in AC machines have also been addressed and discussed in this E-book.

This E-book consists of five chapters which address different EMI issues in power electronics and power systems. The chapters of this E-Book are written by eminent researchers and engineers. I had a great pleasure reading their material and would like to congratulate all the authors for their excellent contributions.

Overall, this E-book addresses the most important electromagnetic interferences issues in Power Electronics and Power Systems.

Prof. Arindam Ghosh
IEEE Fellow
Queensland University of Technology


.Solid State & Microelectronics Technology.
.Voltammetry for Sensing Applications.
.Modern Intelligent Instruments - Theory and Application.
.Bipolar Transistor and MOSFET Device Models.
.Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes.
.Advances in Manufacturing Technologies and Production Engineering.
.Advances in Nonconventional Machining Processes.