Editors: Andrew Schmitz, Norbert L. Wilson, Charles B. Moss, David Zilberman

The Economics of Alternative Energy Sources and Globalization

eBook: US $34 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $148
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $136
ISBN: 978-1-60805-614-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-233-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080523321110101


Considerable effort and money are devoted to developing alternative energy sources, such as wind power, solar power, cellulosic ethanol, and biofuels. This ebook is a collection of research papers on alternative energy sources presented at the Economics of Alternative Energy Sources and Globalization: The Road Ahead Conference that was held in November 2009 in Orlando, Florida. Thirty-three papers were presented by leading experts in the field, with about half being published in the e-book. Several of the papers explored the economics of biofuels produced from corn, sugarcane, and/or forestry materials. Two of the papers addressed the link between biofuel production and U.S. agricultural policy, and how biofuels could reduce U.S. Treasury costs even though biofuels increase food prices. International subsidies promote alternative fuel production (e.g., Brazil). This ebook should be a very useful resource for readers interested in alternative energy research and related economic policy.


- Pp. i
Parr Rosson
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- Pp. ii- (1)
Andrew Schmitz
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-ix (7)
Andrew Schmitz, Norbert L. Wilson, Charles B. Moss, David Zilberman
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- Pp. x
Andrew Schmitz, Norbert L. Wilson, Charles B. Moss, David Zilberman
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The Global Petroleum Picture

- Pp. 3-12 (10)
Robert Rapier

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Government Policies to Support Biofuel Production: Why and to What Effect?

- Pp. 13-23 (11)
Kurt K. Klein, Danny G. Le Roy

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The Economics of Biofuels, Food, and the Environment

- Pp. 24-34 (11)
David Zilberman, Deepak Rajagopal, Steven Sexton, Gal Hochman, Teresa Serra

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Potential Effect of Ethanol on the U.S. Economy: A General Equilibrium Approach

- Pp. 35-48 (14)
Charles B. Moss, Troy G. Schmitz

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Measuring the Subsidy Component of Biofuel Tax Credits and Exemptions

- Pp. 49-64 (16)
Erika M. Kliauga, Harry de Gorter, David R. Just

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Hidden Ethanol Subsidies in Brazil Revisited

- Pp. 65-75 (11)
Troy G. Schmitz, James L. Seale

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Impacts of Future Energy Price and Biofuel Production Scenarios on International Crop Prices, Production, and Trade

- Pp. 76-90 (15)
Gerald Schwarz, Harald von Witzke, Steffen Noleppa

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Alternative Domestic and Trade Policies for Biofuels and Market Variability in the United States

- Pp. 91-108 (18)
Yuki Yano, David Blandford, Yves Surry

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Food Before Fuel: Issues and Price Effect

- Pp. 109-113 (5)
Zibin Zhang, Michael Wetzstein

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U.S. Biofuel Policy Effects on Agricultural Commodity Exports

- Pp. 114-125 (12)
Wyatt Thompson, Seth Meyer, Pat Westhoff

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Long-Term Effects of Increasing Ethanol Production on Agricultural Markets and Trade, Land Use, and Food Security

- Pp. 126-138 (13)
Henry L. Bryant, Jiamin Lu, James W. Richardson, Joe L. Outlaw

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Critical Economic Factors for Success of a Biomass Conversion Plant for Agricultural Residue, Yard Residue, and Wood Waste in Fl

- Pp. 139-145 (7)
Ivan R. Granja, John J. Vansickle, Lonnie Ingram, Richard Weldon

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Global Biofuel Expansion under Different Energy Price Environments

- Pp. 146-157 (12)
May M. Peters

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The Economic Feasibility of Electricity Generation from Biomass on the South Plains of Texas

- Pp. 158-169 (12)
Xiaolan Liu, Michael Farmer, Sergio Capareda

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Impact of Voluntary Carbon and Bioenergy Markets on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners' Profitability

- Pp. 170-182 (13)
Puneet Dwivedi, Janaki Alavalapati, Douglas Carter, Sherry Larkin

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Economic Impacts of Expanded Woody Biomass Utilization for Electric Power Generation in Florida

- Pp. 183-195 (13)
Alan W. Hodges, Thomas J. Stevens, Mohammad Rahmani

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Biofuels and the Transformation of Agriculture: The Case of Climate Change Policy Instruments

- Pp. 196-205 (10)
Daniel De La Torre Ugarte, Chad Hellwinckel

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Subject Index

- Pp. 206-209 (4)
Andrew Schmitz, Norbert Wilson, Charles Moss, David Zilberman
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Author Index

- Pp. 210-220 (11)
Andrew Schmitz, Norbert Wilson, Charles Moss, David Zilberman
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.Smart Port Management and Strategy.
.Progress in Green Economics.
.Intellectual Property Basic Manual for Researchers in Universities.
.Research on Corporate Environmental Responsibility in China.
.Multidimensional Nanomaterials for Supercapacitors: Next Generation Energy Storage.
.The Production of Biodiesel and Related Fuel Additives.
.Solar Thermal Systems: Thermal Analysis and its Application.
.Image Processing in Renewable Energy Resources: Opportunities and Challenges.