Editor: Halyna Khlyap

From Semiclassical Semiconductors to Novel Spintronic Devices

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-60805-146-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-145-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2013
DOI: 10.2174/97816080514581130101


Dramatic developments in developing semiconductor device technology and nanotechnologies over the last decades has placed increasing demands on the fabrication and design of new electronic devices, It is now necessary to implement nanoscale gate geometries to achieve the highest performance standards in new devices. The need to understand and model the operation of nano-devices is, therefore, fundamental to future development and optimal design.

From Semiclassical Semiconductors to Novel Spintronic Devices explains research related to new spintronic devices. This E-book: reports unique results on fabrication and the quite uncommon performance of Si-based solar cells with novel contacts chemically deposited on traditionally prepared semiconductor parts of the solar cell, details the mechanism behind efficient solar radiation conversion and the thermodynamics involved in theory and practice, discusses photonic condensate and relic radiation - exotic topics for theoretical astrophysics which also present possible power tools for achieving highly efficient energy conversion.

This e-book is a useful review on the latest achievements in spintronic technology, characterization methods and nanoscaled active elements modeling for novel device design and applications The text within this e-book serves as a handy resource for graduate and PhD students as well as for professionals interested in the field of semiconductor device technology and modeling as well as spintronics.


The electronic book (e-lectures) “From Semiclassical Semiconductors to Novel Spintronic Devices“ edited by Dr. H. Khlyap presents an interesting supplement to traditional manuals and textbooks devoted to microelectronics and physics of semiconductor devices.

E-lectures provide very useful information about narrow-gap semiconductor solid solutions Hg(Zn)CdTe (there is a material of choice for novel IR-photodevices), thermodynamical description of high-effective solar energy conversion, basic knowledge related to the semiconductor devices modeling and a good review of novel spintronics devices. This supplement can be significantly helpful for undergraduate, graduate and early PhD students beginning their professional activities in modern semiconductor physics, nano(micro)electronics and technologies.

Supplying necessary fundamental information, this collection of e-lectures may also serve as a reference book for professionals switching out their branches of research and development.

V. Bilozertseva
National Polytechnical University "KPI"
Kharkiv Ukraine