Editor: Halyna Khlyap

Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Thin Film-Based Active Elements and Devices

eBook: US $24 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $117
Printed Copy: US $105
Library License: US $96
ISBN: 978-1-60805-262-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-021-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2009
DOI: 10.2174/97816080502151090101


This well organized reference book covers the newest and most important practically applicable results in thin film-based semiconductor (A2B6-A4B6 and chalcogenide) sensors, heterojunction-based active elements and other devices. This book is written for researchers, material scientists and advanced students who wish to increase their familiarity with different topics of novel semiconductor material science related to production of thin film-based sensors and active elements for micro- and nanoelectronics. It is also a tool and resource for professionals engaged in novel semiconductor materials technologies. Both basic and applied aspects of semiconductor materials science and technology related to A2B6-A4B6 and chalcogenide compounds, in particular, to ZnCdHgTe semiconductor, are presented in this book. The book features the most important original results in studies and practical applications of A2B6-A4B6 and chalcogenide semiconductor compounds for sensory and micro(nano)electronics. Many important original experimental data as well as results of numerical simulations are included.


Semiconductor physics and nanotechnologies are the most important fields not only for micro- and optoelectronics, but, first of all, for novel medical applications. Nanotechnologically designed semiconductor materials-based devices (in particular, electric field sensors operating at the room temperature and under external electric fields of various strength) are of special importance for novel cardio-surgery and cardio-therapy. Semiconductor nanoscaled devices are of particular interest for practical investigations in the field of molecular biology (DNA-based molecular sensors). Finding new ways for successful treatments of different various diseases needs novel far- and mid-infrared detectors and light emitting diodes based on new narrow-gap solid solutions ZnCdHgTe – effective and low-cost at the same time. The drugs delivery problem which can also be solved on the basis of semiconductor nanotechnology seems to be extremely important. An enormous number of publications and citations is found under the keywords “semiconductor nanotechnology and nanodevices” showing the interest among fundamental scientists and practically working material scientists and clinicians.

The progress in the field “Semiconductor physics and technology” requires new materials and new concepts of the device design. The book edited by Dr. Halyna Khlyap provides a broad overview of theoretical (especially numerical simulations) and practical applications of narrow-gap and chalcogenide semiconductor thin films as well as silicon (both bulk and amorphous film)-based active elements. Chapters of the book will make the reader acquainted with a variety of topics ranging from the semiclassical theory of semiconductor heterojunctions to the production of novel unique spintronic devices based on diluted magnetic semiconductors. So, the book should be particularly useful for material scientists and fundamental researchers working in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Prof. Arkadiy Varshavskiy, Dr. Sc. (med.)
Yaroslavl State Medical Academy
Russian Federation


.Ion Implantation and Activation.
.Ion Implantation and Activation.
.Ion Implantation and Activation.
.Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics: An Historic-Axiomatic Approach.