Frontiers in Parasitology

Frontiers in Parasitology

ISSN: 2542-422X (Online)
ISSN: 2542-4211 (Print)


is an Ebook series devoted to publishing the latest and the most important advances in parasitology. Eminent scientists present reviews on the microbiology, cytology, epidemiology, genomics, and molecular biology of microbial parasites and their associated infections. Additionally, the series also gives information about new diagnostic and therapeutic protocols. The Ebook series is essential reading to all scientists involved in studying harmful microbes and their impact on human health.

Published Volumes in Series

Water-borne Protozoa in Humans

Water-borne Protozoa in Humans

Volume 2 (Fabrizio Bruschi)

ISSN: 2542-4211 (Print)

ISSN: 2542-422X (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-68108-433-6 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-68108-434-3 (Print)

Card List Article

This volume highlights discoveries in the field of trypanosomatid molecular and cellular biology.

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $151
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $156
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Pathogenic Trypanosomatids

ISSN: 2542-4211 (Print)

ISSN: 2542-422X (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-68108-405-3 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-68108-406-0 (Print)

Card List Article

This volume highlights discoveries in the field of trypanosomatid molecular and cellular biology.

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $235
Printed Copy: US $215
Library License: US $156