Editors: Mohan Prasad Singh, Sachchida Nand Rai

Mushrooms: A Wealth of Nutraceuticals and An Agent of Bioremediation

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $101
Printed Copy: US $71
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-5080-57-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5080-56-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2023
DOI: 10.2174/97898150805681230101


Mushrooms: A Wealth of Nutraceuticals and An Agent of Bioremediation informs readers about the growing role of mycotherapy and fungal biotechnology for a sustainable future. It presents reviews of efficient treatment strategies for different diseases with the help of mushrooms and derived nutraceuticals. This book also highlights efficient bioremediation strategies exhibited by common mushrooms.

Starting with topics on the nutritional and medicinal values of various edible and non-edible mushrooms, the contributors explore their bioactive components. The book progressively covers the antidiabetic, anticancer and antimcrobial potential of mushrooms. The contents are rounded up by reviews of the application of fungal xylanase enzymes and bioremediation of heavy metals from the environment.

This is a comprehensive reference for researchers interested in working in the field of applied mycology for nutraceuticals and environmental bioremediation for pollution control.


Researchers interested in working in the field of applied mycology for nutraceuticals and environmental bioremediation for pollution control.


Limited data is available worldwide in the area of mushroom research. There is a strong need to explore the various nutraceuticals in mushrooms. Lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis are very common nowadays. Researchers worldwide are working on the edible components of daily diets that can improve the chances to overcome the rate of lifestyle diseases in common people. Polysaccharide like b-glucans, is the very important nutraceuticals in this respect that have been explored recently for their therapeutic potential. Various nutraceuticals having potent medicinal properties have been discussed in this book. In this book, the editor included the chapters in a sequence-wise manner. Initially, the medicinal properties of different edible and non-edible mushrooms have been mentioned. Diabetes is the next area that is explored in this book. The treatment of both type I and type II diabetes by mushrooms and their nutraceuticals has been included in this book. The authors of this book show their hard efforts to accumulate all the information related to the therapeutic potential of mushrooms. Cancer is the next centre of attraction and one of the major portions of this book written by several authors. Anticancer properties are very well fully discussed in a couple of chapters. Figures and tables are well positioned in this book. Antimicrobial properties also have been well written in a single chapter of this book. The last portion of this book emphasizes the bioremediation aspects of various mushrooms. Overall, this book offers a complete package that includes the therapeutic and bioremediation properties of various mushrooms. All these chapters are very vital for the readers and are written in a very comprehensive manner to maintain the interest of the readers. References are recent and well-arranged in a comprehensive manner. The editor has done a fantastic job of editing this book by pinpointing and revising the major areas of this book.

N. B. Singh
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry &
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA