In the first two volumes, we approached the openness of a physical system, from
coupling to a complex dissipative environment of Fermions, Bosons, and a free
electromagnetic field. Essentially, the open description of a system of interest starts
with the dynamics of the total system, including the environment, and consists of
the reduction of the system dynamics on the environmental coordinates to
dissipative dynamics, with coefficients depending on the coupling matrix elements,
the densities of the environmental states, and the occupation probabilities of these
states, as a function of temperature. Various empirical descriptions of coupling with
the environment violated fundamental principles and the positivity of the density
matrix. A positive application of the dissipative dynamics was discovered in the
seventies by Lindblad, but Lindblad's master equation became a popular tool,
especially in nuclear physics, only in the eighties, when Sandulescu and Scutaru
applied this equation to deep inelastic collisions of heavy ions. However, this
equation, much used today, is very unsatisfactory, being a phenomenological one,
with terms for all the system operators, with unspecified dissipation coefficients.
Consequently, in the nineties, and the early 2000s, I obtained master equations for
Fermions, Bosons, and a coherent electromagnetic field, with explicit microscopic
coefficients for the dissipative coupling with other Fermions, Bosons, and the free
electromagnetic field, and terms for non-Markovian effects. Based on these
equations, I showed that the entropy of a matter-field system could spontaneously
decrease, not only increase as it is asserted by the second law of thermodynamics,
for molecular systems. In this framework, I invented a semiconductor device
converting environmental heat into usable energy. A theoretical description of this
device, and of the quantum mechanical and statistical fundamentals are the objects
of the first two volumes. However, in the approach of these fundamentals, I found
that a general solution of the Schrödinger equation in the coordinate space does not
correctly describe the particle dynamics, according to the Hamilton equations. A
correct description is obtained only with propagation wave functions when the
Hamiltonian of the time-dependent phase is replaced by the Lagrangian. In this
volume, with the relativistic Lagrangian, for a quantum particle, I obtain a more
physical description, as an invariant quantity of matter propagating in space, with
the mass determined by the dynamic characteristics of the matter density. Quantum
mechanics is obtained from the general theory of relativity. I use the formalism of
Dirac, who was the big architect of quantum mechanics, and the general theory of
relativity. In the whole universe, where it is curved on other dimensions, I regard our
four-dimensional physical universe to be an open system, describing the
inertial-gravitational dynamics.
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Conflict of Interest
The author declares that he has no affiliation with any organization or entity from
a financial point of view in the subject matter or materials discussed in this book.
Declared none.
Eliade Stefanescu
Center of Advanced Studies in Physics of the Romanian Academy,
Academy of Romanian Scientists