Editors: Cesare Romagnolo, Tiziano Maggino

Neoplasia and Fertility

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $84
Printed Copy: US $59
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-5050-15-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5050-14-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2022
DOI: 10.2174/97898150501411220101


Research on young individuals and childbearing adults being treated for neoplasia has revealed a rising number of requests for treatments aimed to maintain the possibility to conceive. To answer such requests, it is important for medical professionals to consider the necessity to cure the woman, to preserve her fertility, to give information both on the effect of neoplasia and treatments on pregnancy. Patients have to be informed on the possible treatment alternatives that are less aggressive towards the reproductive function, but at the same time, give desirable results in terms of survival.

Neoplasia and Fertility describes the state-of-the-art on fertility preservation in women affected by neoplasia. The 11 book chapters inform the reader with the goal of equipping them with the required information needed to present the condition and to discuss the possibility of conceiving, and how to manage patients after oncologic treatments at different stages of pregnancy.

Key Features

-Informs the reader about the relationship between gynecological cancer and fertility in women through 11 chapters

-Describes a broad range of cancers and relevant treatment options for maintaining fertility

-Explains the role of a ‘Fertility Sparing Team’ in clinics

-Familiarizes the reader with the ethics behind oncology treatments with reference to female fertility

-Describes fertility issues related to hereditary cancers in women

-Includes references for further reading

The book serves as an informative reference on the subject to medical doctors in the gynecology, obstetrics and midwife specialties, and nurses training the gynecological oncology. It will also be of interest to healthcare administrators involved in fertility and oncology clinics, as well as general practitioners in family medicine.


Cesare Romagnolo

Tiziano Maggino

Angelo Cagnacci
Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica
IRCSS-Ospedale San Martino di Genova

Angiolo Gadducci
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
Division of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Pisa
Via Roma 67
Pisa, Italy

Antonini E.
Donna Salus Women’s Health & Fertility
Bolzano 39100

B. Masturzo
A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza
S.C. Obstetric and Gynecology 2U
Sant’Anna Hospital
University of Turin

C. Macchi
Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Turin

Cesare Romagnolo
Gynecologic and Obstetrics Department Azienda ULSS9 SCALIGERA Verona
“G. Fracastoro” Hospital
San Bonifacio – Verona

E. Potenza
Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Turin

Eleonora Preti
Division of Gynecologic Oncology
European Institute of Oncology, Via Ripamonti 435
20141 Milan

Enrico Sartori
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Brescia

Engl B.
Donna Salus Women’s Health & Fertility
Bolzano 39100

Fabio Landoni
Department of Medicine and Surgery
University of Milan-Bicocca, Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1
20126 Milan
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
San Gerardo Hospital, Via Pergolesi 33
20900 Monza

Federico Ferrari
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Spedali Civili Brescia

Fedro A. Peccatori
Fertility and Procreation in Oncology Unit
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS
Via Ripamonti 435, 20141 Milan

Franco E. Odicino
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Brescia

G. Parpinel
Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Turin

Giulia Trombetta
Clinica Ginecologia e Ostetricia
Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Integrata di Udine

Lino Del Pup
University Sanitary Agency Friuli Central
District of Udine

Lorenzo Ceppi
Department of Medicine and Surgery
University of Milan-Bicocca, Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1
20126 Milan
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
San Gerardo Hospital, Via Pergolesi 33
20900 Monza

M. Laudani
Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Turin

M. Mitidieri
A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza
S.C. Obstetric and Gynecology 4
Sant’Anna Hospital
University of Turin, Italy

Martina Venier
Clinica Ginecologia e Ostetricia
Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Integrata di Udine

Monica Della Martina
Clinica Ginecologia e Ostetricia
Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Integrata di Udine

P. Zola
Department of Surgical Sciences
University of Turin

Robert Fruscio
Department of Medicine and Surgery
University of Milan-Bicocca, Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1
20126 Milan
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
San Gerardo Hospital, Via Pergolesi 33
20900 Monza

Roberta Tana
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
Division of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Pisa
Via Roma 67
Pisa, Italy

Tiziano Maggino
Gynecology and Obstetrics Department
Azienda ULSS3 SERENISSIMA Venezia “Dell’Angelo” Hospital
Mestre – Venezia

Tommaso Grassi
Department of Medicine and Surgery
University of Milan-Bicocca, Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1
20126 Milan
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
San Gerardo Hospital, Via Pergolesi 33
20900 Monza

Valentina Zizioli
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Spedali Civili Brescia