Chapter 3

Thoracic Surgery

Houreleen H. Salman, Noor Al-Huda I. Khalaf and Sultan M. Ghanim*


This chapter will include the most common cases of thoracic surgery in the pediatric age group, it ranges from congenital such as diaphragmatic hernia, lung emphysema to acquired conditions such as corrosive injury.Usually two types of deformities considered as Congenital are found to be associated with the chest wall. One may cause depression or protuberance due to overgrowth of the cartilages and the other one causing aplasia or dysplasia. Pectus carinatum (PC), is a protuberance of chest all which makes up to 10% of the chest wall abnormalities while combined PE/ PC makes up 5%, while Pectus excavatum (PE) cause a depression in the chest, thus may be called as sunken, or funnel chest. Jeune syndrome is another syndrome that may exhibit mixed features of PE/PC but is rarely found.

Total Pages: 62-107 (46)

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