Editor: Elevina E. Pérez Sira

Foods for Special Dietary Regimens

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $108
Printed Copy: US $78
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-4998-07-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-4998-06-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898149980621210101


Foods for Special Dietary Regimens is an overview of alimentation for people with specific medical conditions. Each of the nine featured chapters describes a recommended diet with special reference to the lifestyle or disease conditions in a specific patient group. The book covers a diverse range of patient groups that have special nutritional requirements including the elderly, athletes, vegetarians, diabetics and phenylketonurics to name a few. Diets for individuals affected by specific diseases such as celiac disease, autism, dyslipidemia, and COVID-19 are also recommended. Readers will gain a broad perspective about special dietary regimens, including information about what works and what does not for different patient groups, and potential avenues of research in this area.

Key Features:

- 9 chapters organized into a simple reader-friendly format

- guidelines for patient groups on lifestyle

- information for patient groups based on different clinically relevant diseases (including COVID-19)

- information about general concepts and clinical research

- references for further reading

Foods for Special Dietary Regimens is a suitable textbook for diploma and training programs in clinical nutrition, diet therapy and allied health services. It also serves as an informative reference for general readers who want to know more about special diets tailored for specific persons.


Good nutrition is a vital share of a healthy lifestyle. The diet combined with physical activity can help consumers to reach, and maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and promote overall health. From ancient times, the role of diet has been established in preventing disease enclosed in the Hippocrates of Cos (Greece, V century BC - IV century BC) aphorism: "Let food be your best medicine and your best medicine be your food. Hippocrates was driving the idea of preventive medicine with the diet as the main factor. These days, some consumers do not know or ignore the meaning of the relationship between diet and health, and there exists a gap among the consumers, food security, and food processor in regards to food for the prevention of consumers illness caused by life stages or styles. The market offers to conventional consumers a myriad of food developed, there is no food for special regimens, such as athletes, elderly, phenylketonuric, dyslipidemia, and diabetic, among others. Today, there is no commitment from the research sector and the food industry to fill this gap. The information given by the book must fill the preference of the audience of professionals who work in the areas of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition, Chemical Engineering, Agronomy, Nutrition/Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy. Moreover, general consumers, students (undergraduate, graduate) from different levels and areas, and specific consumers preferred conditions such as; diabetics, obese peoples, phenylketonuric, celiac, autistics, old people, vegetarians, and athletes. Good nutrition is a vital share of a healthy lifestyle. The diet combined with physical activity can help consumers to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and promote good overall health. This conception strengthens the concept of food security to professionals who work in the areas of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition, Chemical Engineering, Agronomy, Nutrition/Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy. As well as a preference by; general consumers, students (undergraduate, graduate) from different levels and areas, and specific consumers such as, diabetics, obese peoples, phenylketonuric, celiac, autistics, old peoples, vegetarians, athletes.

Elevina Pérez Sira
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos
Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Central de Venezuela


.Functional Foods for Health Maintenance: Understanding their Role in Cancer Prevention.
.Green Extraction Techniques in Food Analysis.
.Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges.
.Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis.