Author: Rafael Laniado-Laborín

Tuberculosis: A Clinical Practice Guide

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-8849-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-8851-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114885111200101


Tuberculosis is an infection of the lungs caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and related species. It is prevalent in tropical regions and continues to occur in more than 10 million new individuals annually and despite many advances in medicine, still results in 1.3 million deaths annually.

This clinical practice handbook presents information on all topics related to the disease, including its epidemiology, microbiology, clinical features, diagnostic procedures, treatments, BCG vaccination and infection control in health facilities. Special topics such as the treatment of tuberculosis is pediatric patients, surgery, multi-drug resistance and adverse reactions to tuberculosis drugs are also covered. Information is presented in 16 simple easy-to read chapters with key figures, tables and references that help to explain relevant topics.

Tuberculosis: A Clinical Practice Guide is an ideal reference manual for medical students and healthcare personnel seeking information about tuberculosis.


Dr. Laniado Laborín has accumulated vast experience in various fields of Pulmonology and Public Health, specialties that he has practiced for 40 years, standing out, especially in tuberculosis and drug-resistant tuberculosis.

He has numerous publications on this topic, but, more than what is written, I would have to ponder his experience accumulated over the years treating patients with this ancient disease that science has not yet managed to control, much less eradicate. Many difficult patients have passed through the Tuberculosis Clinic of the General Hospital of Tijuana, especially those who suffer from drug-resistant forms of the disease, aggravated by the vulnerable conditions that are unfortunately so frequently associated, and to whom he has always devoted a full attention in terms of humanity and knowledge.

His teaching performance as a professor at the Autonomous University of Tijuana is nationally and internationally recognized for his knowledge and human qualities. Countless young doctors have rotated through his service, taking a clear perception of tuberculosis's reality, both from a scientific, social and human point of view.

He has published several books throughout his career, including Drug-resistant Tuberculosis, A Practical Guide, and La Tuberculosis en México.

The work to which we have been granted the honor of writing the prologue, Tuberculosis: A Clinical Practice Guide, displays throughout its 16 chapters a detailed and well-founded overview of the disease, from epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, and prevention, in addition to delving into particular aspects such as special situations and, of course, devotes several chapters to the medical treatment of sensitive and drug-resistant TB, surgical aspects and a difficult subject such as adverse reactions to anti-tuberculosis drugs. The 15 images of outstanding quality included in the chapter of radiologic diagnosis of tuberculosis are paradigmatic of various pulmonary, extrapulmonary, and disseminated TB situations. In the 24 tables of the work, various aspects are clearly and precisely summarized, such as first and second-line drugs, treatment, and retreatment schemes.

The author, showing off his proverbial modesty, directs his work to students and health personnel who are not experts in tuberculosis. After reading, which is enjoyable and shows the extensive experience of Dr. Laniado Laborín on the subject, I have concluded that the book goes beyond these objectives, as it provides throughout its 150 pages (expandable through of the excellent bibliography that proposes) a synthesis of the current state of the art on the disease, which will provide to those who assimilate them with the knowledge of an expert in tuberculosis.

So let us welcome this work for its quality and ease of reading, which will undoubtedly occupy a prominent place in the tuberculosis literature.

Domingo Palmero
Professor of Pneumology, University of Buenos Aires


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