Editors: Oommen V. Oommen, Laladhas KP, Erach Bharucha

Biodiversity and Livelihood: Lessons from Community Research in India

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $119
Printed Copy: US $84
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-8307-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-8215-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114821511200101


Biodiversity and Livelihood: Lessons from Community Research in India Is a compilation of research articles on the ecological biodiversity and local conservation efforts of selected regions in India, and among local communities throughout the county. 18 chapters have been contributed by experts in ecology, sustainability and ethnic studies in India. The chapters provide information on a wide range of tops which cover local communities, their agricultural practices and the ecological relationships between their community and the species on which their livelihood depends. Contributions emphasize different aspects of these topics, such as observational ecological information about the aforementioned regions and communities, the local biodiversity, tribal customs of ethnic communities that are linked to conservation, specific programs which are aimed at the conservation of specific plant and animal species endemic to the region, the benefits shared by the communities involved with conservation programs and recommendations shared by the authors for sustainable management of the regional ecosystem and its resources. Readers will find a wealth of information about biodiversity conservation in different regions in India (most notably the western and eastern ghats and provinces such as Kerala and Andhra Pradesh), from a basic and applied perspective. The book is, therefore, an informative reference for conservationists, ecologists, environmentalists and ethnologists who are studying the biodiversity and conservation of India. Readers involved in sustainable development programs in the region will also find the content valuable to their knowledge.


Biodiversity, something beyond its importance as a conservation science and climate change implications, has a significant role in providing sustainable livelihood especially considering the rural and forest sectors. The second and the third objectives of the Biological Diversity (BD) Act of 2002 itself highlight the sustainable livelihood. Taking a glance of its international counterpart i.e., the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), since its inception during the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, is committed to empower its parties, to achieve three major objectives (a) conserving species, (b) using biological diversity sustainably, and (c) promoting sustainable development. Sustainable management of bio-resources is much needed for countries like ours where biodiversity is directly linked with providing livelihoods to and improving socio-economic conditions of millions of our local people, thereby contributing to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. Its continuing depletion, largely because of human activities, including over consumptive lifestyles should therefore be a concern to us. The present publication is so relevant, as in this modern era, agriculture, fishery and forestry sectors mainly aim to increase production of only a few bio-resources. We must also look into the diverse aspects of bio-resources, as that only can provide livelihood security to the future generations. The chapters on mainstreaming of biodiversity, ethno-conservation practices, diversity of wild edible fruits, biodiversity and sustainable utilization of Garcinia, concepts of determining ecosystem health, bio-prospecting of marine sponge etc. will create awakening thoughts in the mind of readers.

It is my pleasure to give foreword to this publication on “Biodiversity for Livelihood” and my sincere congratulations to the entire team of authors, editors and technical staff for producing with such a piece of work and I wish more such publications are made on biodiversity related topics to mainstream biodiversity in various social sectors, and thus, creating a mass awareness among the public especially among the youth of this country.

B. Meenakumari
Former Chairperson,
National Biodiversity Authority (NBA),
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


.A Treatise on Ecological Science.
.Marine Ecosystems: A Unique Source of Valuable Bioactive Compounds.
.Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals.
.Populations, Biocommunities, Ecosystems: A Review of Controversies in Ecological Thinking.