Chapter 2

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Anti- Infective Agents in Pregnant Women

Neidmar da Mata, Letícia Jales, Ada Isa Custódio, Mayara Maria Sales Monteiro, Wenddy de Lima Cavalcanti Lacerda and Raniere da Mata Moura


Pregnancy is considered a special moment in a woman's life. However, in this period, physiological changes take place that make the woman more vulnerable to infectious agents. The use of medications in this period may pose risks to both the mother and the developing infant, and subsequently, common physiological changes interfere greatly with the dynamics and kinetics of the drugs. There is still a concern about possible toxic effects on the mother and fetus as well as possible teratogeny. This chapter aims to discuss the anti-infective agents to broaden the understanding of the fundamental concepts, practical applications of the drugs prescribed and the necessary care for pregnant women.

Total Pages: 21-44 (24)

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