Editor: Leszek R. Jaroszewicz

Liquid Crystal Light Modulators: Revised Edition

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $101
Printed Copy: US $71
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-14-7020-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7022-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114702261200101


This brief monograph provides reports on liquid crystal materials used for specific devices designed for industrial applications. The authors of each chapter present insights on the design and technical aspects of the manufacturing of advanced liquid crystal light modulators reflecting their experience in advanced liquid crystal materials science.

Chapters in the book first introduce readers to the chemistry and basic materials science of liquid crystal light modulators with information important for practical situations such as custom manufacturing and material quality assessment (including the determination of Frank elastic constants). Subsequent chapters cover a selection of interesting projects where liquid crystal light modulators are applied, such as: a highly transparent, laser damage resistant liquid crystal phase modulators for space-borne laser rangefinders; a dynamic optical filter designed for visualization of air pollution; a high contrast, fast operating, outdoor light shutter for the eye protection of welders.

Readers will gain an awareness of the peculiarities of the liquid crystalline matter, along with the complexity of the design and fabrication of active optical elements, as the information provided in this volume presents detailed practical results of the liquid crystal technology projects.


Scientific research and custom activities in applied optics and photonics are frequently connected with the application of high-end optical elements of tailored properties. Since the liquid crystalline structures gradually become ubiquitous in optical and photonic devices, the need for a systematic description of important aspects of the contemporary material, technology, and performance of liquid crystal containing modulators is self-evident. In this book, we provide extended reports respecting our experiences in the field of the liquid crystal material studies as well as the design and technology aspects of the manufacturing of advanced liquid crystal light modulators. Our inspirations for advanced studies in mentioned subjects come from projects aiming for preparation of such adapted elements like: highly transparent, laser damage resistant liquid crystal phase modulators for space-borne laser rangefinder; high contrast, fast operating, the outdoor light shutter for eye protection, a dynamic optical filter and others. Being aware of the peculiarities of the liquid crystalline matter, moreover complexity of the design and fabrication of active optical elements, we draw up the reports providing to the reader a detailed practical input. This book is addressed to the students of technical sciences, engineers, professionals, and all the audience interested in liquid crystalline light modulators. The content of chapters partially based on our results, previously published and comprises carefully edited selection of practical information. The reader finds here the comments on chemistry and material properties of liquid crystals, custom-developed techniques of materials studies, and the rich collection of unique practical engineering solutions. The book starts with Chapter 1, providing a scope of this monograph. In Chapter 2, a new complementary method of determination of Frank elastic constants in nematic LCs is described. Chapter 3 discusses theoretical and practical aspects of the determination of key liquid crystals material parameters on examples of nematic mixtures applied for liquid crystal light modulators. Chapter 4 presents a liquid crystal polarization switch designed for the rangefinder of the space landing module. In Chapter 5, a liquid crystal spectral filter designed for visualization of air pollution is introduced. Finally, Chapter 6 presents a liquid crystal shutter for automatic welding helmet (PIAP-PS automatic). The authors would like to express sincere gratitude to all coworkers contributing to the success of scientific projects providing results and experiences presented here. Our pay-back for editing this book will be a success of the next implementations supported by its content.

Leszek Roman Jaroszewicz
Military University of Technology
ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw


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