Chapter 2

Dry Fermentation Technology

Daneysa L. Kalschne, Marinês P. Corso and Cristiane Canan


The technology of the production of dry-fermented products is old and even in current days these meat products are produced, appreciated and consumed worldwide. The fermentation and drying steps are responsible for chemical and biochemical transformations that ensure the final characteristics of the product were reached. One of the disadvantages in dry-fermented product processing is the time required for all transformations that characterize the product and meets the required standard of safety and quality. Thus, the use of emerging technologies allows the improvement in the production process considering the use of new approaches, always ensuring food safety and quality. In this chapter, the ultrasound, pulsed UV light and QDS process® are discussed. The approach includes the advantages and disadvantages of each technology, the report of researchers describing the use of mentioned technologies and the most probable mechanisms associated with the effects.

Total Pages: 8-25 (18)

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.Functional Foods for Health Maintenance: Understanding their Role in Cancer Prevention.
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