Editors: Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano

Hazardous Waste Management and Health Risks

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Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-5472-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-5474-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114547451200101
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Hazardous Waste Management and Health Risks presents a systematic overview of evaluating solid and hazardous waste management practices. The book introduces readers to the basic principles of hazardous waste management and progresses into related topics that allow managers to assess environmental quality. These topics include heavy metal pollution, reproductive biomarkers as signals of environmental pressure and health risks, and environmental contamination in an international perspective. With an emphasis on sustainable development throughout the text, a zero-waste strategy as an alternative way to manage hazardous waste is suggested in a dedicated chapter.

This reference book is intended as an introductory guide for managers taking waste management training courses and students involved in degree courses related to environmental engineering and management.


Hazardous waste management is an important issue for environmental and public health in each country and it is a challenge both in the developed and developing countries. Today, this waste is poisoning the environment and causing damage to the health of both humans and animals. This book focuses on several aspects of hazardous waste, from its sources to its consequences, for human health and natural environment. Furthermore, this book explains how the release of chemical toxins derived by hazardous waste can be negatively implicated in environmental and health impacts. Using many examples and illustrations, it shows the relationship between ecological improper hazardous waste management (such as e-waste and hospital waste) and human health. The book starts with a brief introduction, presenting the management of hazardous waste and increasing volume of different research on health impact. It comprises of eight chapters where the third and fourth chapters describe the impact on human health associated with an inadequate hazardous waste management.

The fifth chapter describes the correlation between heavy metal pollution and various acute and chronic diseases in human beings, while sixth chapter illustrates how reproductive biomarkers can be considered as early signals of environmental pressure and increased risk of adverse chronic health effects. Then chapter seventh assesses the relationship between the observed health risks and environmental contamination from an international perspective. Finally, the last chapter illustrates briefly zero-waste strategy as possible alternatives in solving the problems of waste generation. The authors emphasize the need to consider the environmental impact of human activities and include some real-world examples.

Conflicts of interest

The authors confirm that the contents of this chapter have no conflict of interest.

Gabriella Marfe
Department of Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali
Biologiche e Farmaceutiche, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli,"
via Vivaldi 43, Caserta 81100


Carla Di Stefano
Department of Hematology
"Tor Vergata" University, Viale Oxford 81
00133 Rome


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