Author: Kathleen Stephany

The Ethic of Care: A Moral Compass for Canadian Nursing Practice

(Revised Edition)

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $133
Printed Copy: US $98
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-3961-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-3963-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114396361200101


There is an increased use of technology and informatics, heavier workloads and constant changes in the way in which disease processes are managed. Yet, when compared with other health professionals, nurses still spend a great deal of time in direct contact with patients and clients. They stay at the bedside, listen to their stories, give comfort and advocate.

The Ethic of Care: A Moral Compass for Canadian Nursing Practice is unique from other nursing ethics textbooks in several key ways. The book adds a heightened dimension to the already rich knowledge in the field of applied nursing ethics and the ethic of care. The author argues that the ethic of care, or the moral imperative to act justly, be the guiding compass for everything that nurses do. It is with passion and conviction that nurses are encouraged to embody the ethic of care as a "lived virtue." Nurses are also inspired to be the leaders of tomorrow by working toward achieving accountability and sustainability in the Canadian publicly funded health care system and by effectively addressing social inequities. At the end of each chapter the author conveys real life case studies, as derived from her experiences as a critical care nurse, psychiatric nurse clinician and former Coroner. These vignettes bring the subject to life and serve as a means for applying newly acquired ethical knowledge. The aim of this book is to inspire nurses to be as skillful, and compassionate as they can be so that they will leave every encounter with their clients, better than when they first arrived. The book attempts to inspire nurses to be ethical leaders for social change at the patient/client, community and global level.

This revised edition of the book includes additional information about trauma-informed care to combat systemic racism and improve the health outcomes for Indigenous people; ethics, gender and sexual orientation is dealt with in an inclusive and sensitive way, and a new Code of Conduct has been included.


- Pp. i-iii (3)
Angela Heino
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- Pp. iv-vi (3)
Kathleen Stephany
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- Pp. vii
Kathleen Stephany
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About The Author

- Pp. viii
Kathleen Stephany
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- Pp. ix
Kathleen Stephany
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The Ethic of Care: Our Moral Compass

- Pp. 1-38 (38)
Kathleen Stephany

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Integrating Sound Moral Principles into Practice

- Pp. 39-56 (18)
Kathleen Stephany

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The CNA Code of Ethics Part I: Integrating Nursing Ethical Values & Responsibilities into Care

- Pp. 57-84 (28)
Kathleen Stephany

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Values Clarification: Identifying what Matters to Nurses and Clients & Respecting the Differences

- Pp. 85-100 (16)
Kathleen Stephany

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Utilizing Tools for Ethical Decision Making

- Pp. 101-112 (12)
Kathleen Stephany

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Professionalism & Accountability: Inspiring Nurses to Act Responsibly

- Pp. 113-132 (20)
Kathleen Stephany

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Advocacy: The Heart of Nursing

- Pp. 133-155 (23)
Kathleen Stephany

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In an Age of Technological Advancements: Ensuring that Caring Remains in Practice

- Pp. 156-170 (15)
Kathleen Stephany

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Embracing Diversity: Toward a Morally Inclusive Practice

- Pp. 171-196 (26)
Kathleen Stephany

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Ethics, Gender & Sexual Orientation: Moving Beyond Tolerance to Acceptance

- Pp. 197-211 (15)
Kathleen Stephany

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The Role of Religion & Spirituality in Nursing: Respecting What the Client Believes

- Pp. 212-224 (13)
Kathleen Stephany

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Ethical Nursing Leadership for the 21st Century: The Importance of Being the Change

- Pp. 225-241 (17)
Kathleen Stephany

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- Pp. 242-250 (9)
Kathleen Stephany
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Subject Index

- Pp. 251-254 (4)
Kathleen Stephany
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