Editors: Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado, Mariscal Flores María Luisa

Series Title: Recent Advances in Anesthesiology

An Update on Airway Management

Volume 3

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $145
Printed Copy: US $105
Library License: US $316
ISSN: 2589-9384 (Print)
ISSN: 2589-9392 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-14-3237-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-3238-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114323851200301


All anaesthesiologists know that the highest morbidity and mortality associated with anaesthesia are related to the airway management of our patients. This area represents one of the basic pillars of the specialty, and the Difficult Airway is the undisputed protagonist in all the congresses and the subject of numerous publications periodically.

Airway management has been changing over the years. Progressively, the evaluation and prediction of the possible difficulty in ventilation, oxygenation and intubation in the preoperative assessment have been standardized, while numerous devices have appeared that facilitate the way to approach the handling of the Difficult Airway.

It is no longer just about knowing how to use the fiberoptic bronchoscope, although this is still the main tool for managing the Difficult Airway. We are also obliged to know and use a wide range of new devices, as well as the indications and peculiarities of each of them.

Unfortunately, this great quantity of available devices means that many times we do not know them well, nor do we differentiate them. And, therefore, in many occasions, we do not use them in an adequate way. It does not consist in having and using all, but in mastering the use of those we have and acquiring experience with them so that they are effective when a Difficult Airway situation arises.

This book “Recent Advances in Anaesthesiology Vol. 3 – An Update on Airway Management” is an update of those topics that have had an important development in recent years in airway management. We have tried to approach the latest developments in this field with a simple, easy and direct reading, which helps in professionals' daily work.

We intend to reach a multitude of colleagues from all medical areas who have to manage their patients' airways: anaesthesiologists, intensivists, intra- and extra-hospital emergency physicians, pneumologists, ENT surgeons... who we believe could be of support for your work.

We also believe that it may be of interest to residents in training, as a method of updating and updating a subject that is basic and without which, almost all others are impossible to carry out.

Preface I

- Pp. i
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado
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Preface II

- Pp. ii
María Luisa Mariscal Flores
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Preface III

- Pp. iii
Manuel Granell Gil
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- Pp. iv
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v-viii (4)
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado
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An Update on Diagnostic Accuracy (CT, X-ray) for Airway Management

- Pp. 1-14 (14)
Montiel Redondo Castillo, Eduardo González Constán

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An Update on Ultrasonography as a Tool for Airway Management

- Pp. 15-30 (16)
Miguel Ángel Fernández Vaquero, Maria Aliaño Piña, Maria Aymerich De Franceschi, Monir Kabiri Sacramento

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An Update on Preoxygenation, Apneic Oxygenation, and Prevention of Distortion During Airway Management

- Pp. 31-39 (9)
Paloma Muñoz Saldaña, Norma Aracil Escoda, Elena Sáez Ruiz, Ana Tirado Errazquin, Flores María Rey Tabasco

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Supraglottic Airway Devices Update

- Pp. 40-55 (16)
María Luisa Mariscal Flores, Rocío Castellanos González, María Jesús Jiménez Garcia, Sonia Martín Ventura, Claudia Palacios Muñoz

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Optic Airway Devices Update

- Pp. 56-73 (18)
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado, Miriam Sanchez-Merchante, Pablo Renedo Corcóstegui, Manuel Granell Gil, Guillermo Navarro

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Tracheal Tube Introducers, Stylets, Exchange Catheters, and Staged Extubation Sets in Airway Management

- Pp. 74-88 (15)
María Jesús Galán Arévalo, Javier Béjar García, Alicia Ruiz Escobar, Enrique Platas Gil

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An Update on Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate Situation (CICO) Scenarios

- Pp. 89-95 (7)
María Eugenia Centeno Robles, Emilio Herrero Gento, María Paez Hospital, María Elena Pinilla Carbajo

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An Update on Bronchoscopy and Other Airway Device Updates

- Pp. 96-111 (16)
Norma Aracil Escoda, Ana Tirado Errazquin, Elena Sáez Ruiz, Paloma Muñoz Saldaña, Olivia Espinosa de los Monteros

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An Update on Awake Intubation Management

- Pp. 112-122 (11)
María Luisa Mariscal Flores, Claudia Palacios Muñoz, Rocío Castellanos González, María Jesús Jiménez Garcia, Sonia Martín Ventura

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An Update on the Sedative Agents on Awake Intubation

- Pp. 123-132 (10)
Maria Aliaño Piña, Miguel Ángel Fernández Vaquero

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An Update on Paediatric Airway Management

- Pp. 133-156 (24)
Gema Pino Sanz, María Dolores Méndez Marín

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An Update on Obstetric Airway Management

- Pp. 157-174 (18)
Mónica San Juan Álvarez, Marta Chacón Castillo, Adriana Carolina Orozco Vinasco, María de la Flor Robledo, Concepción Rodríguez Bertos

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An Update on Morbid Obesity Airway Management

- Pp. 175-188 (14)
Orreaga Zugasti Echarte, María Polo Gil, Susana Hernandez García, Ainhoa Amat Remírez, Maider Valencia Alzueta

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An Update on Airway Management in the Intensive Care Unit

- Pp. 189-204 (16)
Paula Martínez Fariñas, Ignacio Portalo González, Clara Morandeira Rivas, Barbara Algar Yañez, Enrique Platas Gil

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An Update on Airway Management in the Emergency Department

- Pp. 205-211 (7)
Alicia Guarnizo Ruiz, Sara Rut Arias Perez

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An Update on Percutaneous Airway Management

- Pp. 212-228 (17)
Carlos Velayos Amo, Raquel del Olmo Monge

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An Update on Airway Management in Anaesthesia Outside the Operating Room

- Pp. 229-239 (11)
Ignacio Portalo González, Flor de María Analía Sánchez Díaz, Paula Martinez Fariñas, Eugenio D. Martínez Hurtado

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Anesthesiologist’s Role in Supporting Non- Anesthesiologist Airway Provider Practice: Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units

- Pp. 240-252 (13)
Cristina Gil Lapetra, Jossy C. Salazar Aguirre, José Olarra Nuel, Beatriz Bolzoni Muriel, Marta Solera Toledo

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An Update on Out-of-Hospital Airway Management

- Pp. 253-267 (15)
Alfredo Serrano-Moraza, Armando J. Munayco Sánchez

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An Update on Airway Management in High-Threat Environments

- Pp. 268-279 (12)
Armando J. Munayco Sánchez, Alfredo Serrano Moraza, Jose Ramón Rey Fedriani, Alberto J. Hormeño Holgado

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An Update on Extubation Management

- Pp. 280-299 (20)
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado, Miriam Sanchez-Merchante, Nekari de Luis Cabezón, Javier Ripollés Melchor, Alicia Ruiz Escobar

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An Update on Airway Management Education

- Pp. 300-311 (12)
María Luisa Mariscal Flores, Alfonso Anduenza Artal, Sonia Martín Ventura, Claudia Palacios Muñoz, Rocío Castellanos González

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An Update on Airway Management Registry and Organization

- Pp. 312-327 (16)
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado, Miriam Sanchez-Merchante, Pablo Renedo Corcóstegui, Nekari de Luis Cabezón, Alicia Ruiz Escobar

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Bibliometrics of the Difficult Airway

- Pp. 328-340 (13)
Miguel Ángel García Aroca, Andrés Pandiella Dominique, Ricardo Navarro Suay

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Subject Index

- Pp. 341-355 (15)
Eugenio Daniel Martinez-Hurtado
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.Geriatric Anesthesia: A Practical Guide.
.Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part II.
.Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part I.
.​Obstetric Anesthesia: Clinical Updates.