Chapter 12

An Update on Obstetric Airway Management

Mónica San Juan Álvarez, Marta Chacón Castillo, Adriana Carolina Orozco Vinasco, María de la Flor Robledo and Concepción Rodríguez Bertos


Airway management in the obstetric patient is a challenge for anaesthesiologists, not only because of the anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy, but also because of the surgery´s urgency, the location of the procedure, which sometimes takes place even outside the operation theatre, and also due to conflicts emerging between the needs of mother and foetus. The arising incidence in maternal comorbidities such as obesity, contributes to complications in airway management in this population.

Total Pages: 157-174 (18)

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.Geriatric Anesthesia: A Practical Guide.
.Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part II.
.Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia Provider Part I.
.​Obstetric Anesthesia: Clinical Updates.