Chapter 12

Problems of Invasive Species: A Case Study from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andaman Sea, India

P.M. Mohan and Barbilina Pam


A fauna or flora that was not native to the particular environment and caused harm by its proliferation was considered an invasive species. This is one among the major concern for protecting the biodiversity as well as economic loss. However, in the marine environment, this problem is further complicated due to less barrier and other common factors, such as movement of the vessels, the release of ballast waters by the tankers, and water currents. The marine Island environment concern has gain significance due to the larger distribution of benthic faunal community and its biodiversity. A study was carried out to understand the status of this problem with reference to Andaman island environment and a probable mechanism to be implemented and their status was discussed in this article.

Total Pages: 294-343 (50)

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