Authors: Maryam Javed, Asif Nadeem, Faiz-ul Hassan

Introduction to Molecular Genomics

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $108
Printed Copy: US $78
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-1-68108-926-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-925-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810892561210101


Introduction to Molecular Genomics introduces the college student to the fundamental concepts of molecular biology and genomics. The text puts an emphasis on important topics in the subject that contribute to the learner’s understanding. These topics include molecular genomics, biodiversity and molecular phenomenon behind evolution of species, modern molecular methods for enhanced genomics research, DNA modifications at the molecular level for transgenic animal species, the role of cell environment on the gene expression, to name a few. The book has been designed to suit the requirements of educational courses in molecular biology, genomics and biochemistry.

Key features

  • - Covers basic concepts on key topics in molecular biology and genomics
  • - Simple easy-to-read layout
  • - Includes references for further reading
  • - Includes a section on ethical aspects of scientific research

Introduction to Molecular Genomics is a simple primer for students in applied or advanced life science courses at undergraduate levels.


Molecular genomics is currently navigating through a revolutionary era promoted by advances in DNA technologies. Knowledge web in this field has been developed with an extraordinary potential over the last century. The innovative work in this field has changed how we view and understand biological systems and this new knowledge has led the way to innovative opportunities, allowing the subject to grow and evolve at a phenomenal rate. Molecular biology underpins much of today's biological research. Molecular biology is the study of the structure and function of biologically important molecules, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and the molecular events that govern cell function. Molecular biology techniques such as molecular cloning of genes, gene transfer, genetic manipulation of animal and plant embryo transfer, genetic manipulation of rumen microbes, chemical and biological treatment of low-quality animal feed for improved nutritive value, genetically engineered immunodiagnostic and immunoprophylactic agents, as well as veterinary vaccines, are a reality today and are finding their ways into research and development program of global significance.

The structure and literary flavor of the book is up to the expectations of the academicians and scholars. This book covers significant topics of the subject like genomics and its spectrum, modern techniques, an overview of genetic engineering, pan genomics, the role of genomics in the environment, the significance of digital genomic era and the contribution of genomics towards the society. Although the spectrum of the subject is immense, I am glad to see that the book covers all relevant areas which are essential to understand the basic concepts of the subject.

In today’s world of unprecedented knowledge and information, such a fine book is worth reading. This book is highly recommended, especially for graduate students who are in their early knowledge capacity. I would like to congratulate the authors for contributing in bridging the knowledge gap of basic principles of molecular genomics. I hope this book will be a fine addition to the field of genomics and basic molecular biology.

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hakkı CİĞERCİ
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Afyonkocatepe University Afyonkarahisar