Authors: Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury

Arduino meets MATLAB: Interfacing, Programs and Simulink

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $129
Printed Copy: US $109
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-728-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-727-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2018
DOI: 10.2174/97816810872761180101


This book provides a single platform for beginners in systems engineering to start Arduino interface projects with MATLAB®. It covers the basics of the programming with Arduino and Arduino interfacing with MATLAB® (with and without the use or I/O packages) in 3 sections, respectively.

Topics covered in the volume include:

Key Features:

  • - introduces readers to Arduino IDE, Proteus simulation modeling, Arduino interfaces with display devices, sensor interfaces (both digital and analog), actuators, MATLAB® GUIs, digital read/write systems with I/O interfaces and automation systems.
  • - organized layout for a reader friendly experience
  • - provides detailed circuit diagrams
  • - provides relevant simulation modeling instructions

This is an ideal book for engineering students and system designers for learning the basic programming and simulation of Arduino and MATLAB® based real time project prototypes.


This book titled Arduino meets MATLAB. .. Interfacing, Programs and Simulink will provide a platform for the beginners to get started with Arduino and its interfacing with the MATLAB. The book provides the basic knowledge of the programming and interfacing of the devices with Arduino and MATLAB. This book also explains in a lucid manner the basic steps to understand the interfacing and programming with Arduino and MATLAB. This book goes from basic to advanced level of Arduino and interfacing with various input/output devices through various communication modules in well defined sequence which will be easily understandable to the undergraduate and post graduate students. This book will be specially beneficial to those researchers looking for hardware based implementation platforms.

The USP of this book lies in the fact that a new concept has been introduced for the researchers and students for prototype development of the real time projects using Arduino, MATLAB and I/O devices in the single platform. Another important point to mention will be that this book is entirely based on the practical experience of the authors while undergoing projects with the students and industries.

Dr. Babu Sena Paul
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology
University of Johannesburg
South Africa


.Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence: Internet of Things.
.Multi-Objective Optimization In Theory and Practice II: Metaheuristic Algorithms.
.Arduino and SCILAB based Projects.