Editor: Amballur D. John

Series Title: Recent Advances in Anesthesiology

Anesthesia: A Topical Update – Thoracic, Cardiac, Neuro, ICU, and Interesting Cases

Volume 2

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $161
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $236
ISSN: 2589-9384 (Print)
ISSN: 2589-9392 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-724-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-723-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2018
DOI: 10.2174/97816810872381180201


This book provides an updated information about major systems for anesthesia in patients with concomitant diseases. Book chapters are designed to allow anesthesia providers to refresh their knowledge, and be able to focus on the current issues in these subspecialty areas. Readers will be able to approach anesthesia cases more effectively with the information provided. The chapters are written by eminent clinicians who are also outstanding teachers in their respective anesthesia training programs.

Topics covered in this volume include: thoracic anesthesia, cardiac anesthesia, anesthesia in the ENT patient, neuroanesthesia, intensive care / ICU medicine, medical ethics, and interesting cases.

The book serves as a handbook for advanced anesthesia professionals and a textbook for medical students.


The purpose of this work is to provide a quick update for practitioners on the major topics in Anesthesia. Medicine is a rapidly changing field. In this series:

VOLUME 1 deals with specific anesthetic issues such as regional anesthesia.

Recent Advances in Anesthesiology Vol 1: ANESTHESIA: Essential Clinical Updates for Practitioners – Regional, Ultrasound, Coagulation, Obstetrics and Pediatrics

VOLUME 2 deals with major systems.

Recent Advances in Anesthesiology Vol 2: ANESTHESIA: A Topical Update – Thoracic, Cardiac, Neuro, ICU and Interesting Cases

Despite one’s best effort and the efforts of various professional societies, it is often difficult to keep abreast in all aspects of anesthesia. Over time, every practitioner settles into a daily practice and keeps current in that area. However, the nature of modern anesthetic practice requires flexibility to fill various staffing needs. This often necessitates practitioners to do cases that they are not always facile with. There are a variety of resources available to acquire the requisite knowledge from detailed tomes to introductory manuals. The goal of this work is to provide practitioners with current updates on key aspects of anesthesia with a quick read of 15-20 minutes per topic so that a practitioner will be able to rapidly refresh their knowledge and skills. The chapters contained herein are written by outstanding specialist clinicians who are excellent teachers at the foremost anesthesia training programs. My deepest gratitude and sincere thanks to the authors who have taken the time and effort to do this onerous work, and apologizes for the inordinate delays incumbent in the publication process.

My sincere gratitude to the following individuals for their guidance and direction over the years. Dr. Eugenie Heitmiller: Genie is the epitome of excellence and positivity. As a young resident; I was fortunate to have had the opportunity and privilege of working with Genie. Dr. James Schauble who taught me to intubate and do anesthesia. Dr. William Merritt – who always took the time to teach and ensure that I was fed and watered no matter how horrid the day. Dr. Frederick Sieber: Fritz is my boss and friend. Special thanks to Warren Zapol M.D., Chairman Emeritus the Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, and Edward Miller Jr. M.D., Emeritus Dean and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, for their kindness and for hiring me.


My profound gratitude to the outstanding contributors who took time and effort to share thei knowledge by writing the chapters on their areas of expertise, and to Fariya Zulficar project manager at Bentham. Thanks to Javita Jenkins and Audra Beard for their help with typing the manuscript. I am grateful to Jessica Terzigni who was able to work with all involved. The opportunity of working with Norm Myers – the illustrator, has been an enlightening educational experience.

A.D. John, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD, USA
E-mail: ajohn1@jhmi.edu