Editors: Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

Textbook Of Iatrogenic Pathology

Volume 1

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $155
Printed Copy: US $135
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-515-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-514-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810851421170101


This book is a concise textbook of iatrogenic pathology. Chapters cover iatrogenesis relevant to a broad range of medical subspecialties (cardiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, neurology, endocrinology and much more). The book presents an introduction to iatrogenesis which is followed by chapter-wise descriptions of iatrogenic lesions (lesions due to adverse drug reactions, lesions occurring during diagnosis and consequences of various therapeutic interventions) of the organs and systems of the body.

This textbook is a handy resource on iatrogenic pathology for medical students and working professionals (clinical and nursing staff) involved in a range of medical subspecialties.


- Pp. i
Marius Raica

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- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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List of Contributors

- Pp. iv
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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- Pp. v
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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Adverse Drug Reactions

- Pp. 1-6 (6)
Ioan Jung, Simona Gurzu

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Radiation-Induced Lesions

- Pp. 7-33 (27)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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Iatrogenic Immunopathology

- Pp. 34-55 (22)
Ioan Jung, Simona Gurzu

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Cardiovascular System

- Pp. 58-86 (29)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Lungs and Airways

- Pp. 87-107 (21)
Ioan Jung, Simona Gurzu

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Iatrogenic Pathology of Gastrointestinal Tract

- Pp. 108-127 (20)
Simona Gurzu, Tivadar Bara, Ioan Jung

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Peritoneum and Retroperitoneum

- Pp. 128-135 (8)
Ioan Jung, Vlad Butiurca, Simona Gurzu

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas

- Pp. 136-145 (10)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Kidney and Urinary System

- Pp. 146-158 (13)
Ioan Jung, Simona Gurzu

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Female Genital System and Breast

- Pp. 159-166 (8)
Ioan Jung, Simona Gurzu, Sabin Turdean

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Male Genital System

- Pp. 167-176 (10)
Ioan Jung, Simona Gurzu, Sabin Turdean

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Iatrogenic Pathology of Bone Marrow and Lymphoid Tissue

- Pp. 177-189 (13)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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Iatrogenic Pathology of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue

- Pp. 190-209 (20)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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Iatrogenic Lesions in Neurology

- Pp. 210-230 (21)
Rodica Balasa

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The Endocrinology and Iatrogenesis

- Pp. 231-252 (22)
Imre Kun

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Iatrogenic Pathology in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

- Pp. 253-269 (17)
Leonard Azamfirei, Iudita Badea

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Iatrogenic Pathology in Surgery

- Pp. 270-311 (42)
Tivadar Jr. Bara, Bogdan Andrei Suciu, Tivadar Bara

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Iatrogenic Lesions in Obstetrics and Gynecology

- Pp. 312-315 (4)
Bela Szabo

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Iatrogenic Lesions in Neurosurgery

- Pp. 316-321 (6)
Alexandru Madaras, Nicolae Dorin Gherasim

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Subject Index

- Pp. 322-331 (10)
Simona Gurzu, Ioan Jung

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