Editor: Raoul Saggini

The Mechanical Vibration: Therapeutic Effects and Applications

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-68108-509-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-508-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810850811170101


In rehabilitation medicine, the therapeutic application of vibration energy in specific clinical treatments and in sport rehabilitation is being affirmed by a growing number of medical professionals. Clinical applications of mechanical vibrations exist in a variety of forms: mechanical vibrations, ultrasound therapy, extracorporeal shock waves therapy and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic field therapy, for example. Each mode of therapy has a specific mechanism of action, dose and indication. However, the enormous potential of vibrations as therapy (understood as ESWT, mechanical vibration, ultrasounds, ELF) have yet to be explored in depth in both the experimental and in the clinical setting. The Mechanical Vibration: Therapeutic Effects and Applications is a monograph that presents basic information about vibrational therapy and its clinical applications. Readers will find information about the mathematical, physical and biomolecular models that make the foundation of vibrational therapy, applied mechanical vibrations in different form (whole body, ultrasound and extracorporeal shock waves) as well as an update on vibrational therapy in general.

This monograph is a useful resource for medical professionals and researchers seeking information about the basics of vibrational therapy.


Vibrations. Good vibes. Bad vibes. Too much of vibes. Not enough of them. When I first heard of vibrations, I was in my teens, and it was all about the good vibes coming from great music bands. After that, as an orthopaedic trainee, I was taught that vibrations were bad: helicopter pilots and truck drivers were exposed to exactly the kind of vibrations which induced asynchronous contractions of the back muscles, and had direct deleterious effects on the vertebral discs. The result includes low back pain and osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine. Following this, somebody had the great idea to test vibrations in clinical practice. Lo and behold, some science was injected into vibration science, and it was found that if too much is not too good (actually, it is pretty bad), a measured amount of the right kind of vibration can bring good. Prof. Saggini has been on the forefront of this “good vibes movement”.

Prof. Saggini is a thoughtful, skilled clinician, armed with foresight and rigour. He started observing and experimenting, and has been able to produce much of the present day scientific evidence on this fascinating topic. “Mechanical vibration: therapeutic effects and applications” show, as Prof. Saggini would say, that “nothing rests”. Indeed, we are moving all the time, and vibration is at the centre of our life.

Progressing from the basic sciences of vibration, the scene is set for clinical applications, in a variety of forms. The truth, however, is that: this edition of “Mechanical vibration: therapeutic effects and applications”, provides the beginning, and, through the strict scientific work that Prof. Saggini will continue to perform, more truth will come out of it.


Nicola Maffulli
Professor of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon
Director of the Department of Musculoskeletal Disorders
School of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry, University of Salerno