Editor: Atta-ur-Rahman / Khurshid Zaman

Topics in Anti-Cancer Research

Volume 6

eBook: US $99 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $181
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $396
ISSN: 2468-5860 (Print)
ISSN: 2213-3585 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-456-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-455-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810845581170601


Topics in Anti-Cancer Research covers important advances on both experimental (preclinical) and clinical cancer research in drug development. The book series offers readers an insight into current and future therapeutic approaches for the prevention of different types of cancers, synthesizing new anti-cancer agents, new patented compounds, targets and agents for cancer therapy as well as recent molecular and gene therapy research.

The comprehensive range of themes covered in each volume will be beneficial to clinicians, immunologists, and R&D experts looking for new anti-cancer targets and patents for the treatment of neoplasms, as well as varied approaches for cancer therapy.

The topics covered in the sixth volume of this series include: - The role of microtubules for the cure of various untreated cancers - Novel chemoimmunotherapeutic drug combinations & methods in clinical studies/trials - Targeting polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the treatment of colorectal cancer - Anti-cancer activity of natural and synthetic chalcones and their derivatives - Recent advances in microRNA-based cancer therapeutics - Treatment of heart failure due to inflammation, mitochondria and energy metabolism in cancer cachexia - Regulation/inhibition of human lactate dehydrogenase A for discovering anti-cancer drugs

Indexed in: Chemical Abstracts, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.


Atta-ur-Rahman / Khurshid Zaman
University of Cambridge
Bentham Science Publishers

Ali, Amjad
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
H-12 Islamabad
PakistanEmail: amjaduni@gmail.com; amjad.ali@asab.nust.edu.pk

Ashraf, Shifa T.
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
H-12 Islamabad
PakistanEmail: stariq.asab@gmail.com

Awan, Faryal M.
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
H-12 Islamabad
PakistanEmail: faryal_mehwish@yahoo.com

Bagban, Needa N.
Department of Biotechnology
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)
Mumbai- 400001
IndiaEmail: neebagban@gmail.com

Bhavsar, Riddhi I.
Department of Biotechnology
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)
Mumbai- 400001
IndiaEmail: riddhibhavsar2@gmail.com

Chatterji, Biswa P.
Department of Biotechnology
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)
Mumbai- 400001
IndiaEmail: biswaprasun@gmail.com

Fichna, Jakub
Department of Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Lodz
PolandEmail: jakub.fichna@umed.lodz.pl

Muzammal, Hussain
Institutes of Biomedicine and Health
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 190 Kaiyuan Avenue, Science Park
Guangzhou, 510530, P.R
ChinaEmail: muzammal@gibh.ac.cn

Ikonomidis, Thomas G.
Mechanisms of Disease and Translational Research Group
Department of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052
AustraliaEmail: thomasikono@gmail.com

Ikram, Aqsa
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
H-12 Islamabad
PakistanEmail: aqsa_ikram@yahoo.com

Kumar, Vinit
Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research
Amity University
Noida 201313
IndiaEmail: vkumar25@amity.edu

Kumar, Atul
Amity Institute of Engineering & Technology
Amity University
Greater Noida 201313
IndiaEmail: atul206@gmail.com

Luqman, Suaib
CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Uttar Pradesh
IndiaEmail: s.luqman@cimap.res.in

Michalak, Arkadiusz
Department of Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Lodz
PolandEmail: arkadiusz.michalak.lek@gmail.com

Mosińska, Paula
Department of Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Lodz
PolandEmail: paula.mosinska@gmail.com

Polly, Patsie
Mechanisms of Disease and Translational Research Group
Department of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052
AustraliaEmail: patsie.polly@unsw.edu.au

Rani, Reshma
Amity Institute of Biotechnology
Amity University
Noida 201313
IndiaEmail: reshudcy@gmail.com; rrani@amity.edu

Tan, Timothy C.
Western Clinical School and Westmead Hospital
New South Wales
AustraliaEmail: timothy.tan9@gmail.com

Wani, Zahoor A.
National Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Uttar Pradesh
IndiaEmail: zahoorwani5@gmail.com

Zhang, Jiancun
Institutes of Biomedicine and Health
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 190 Kaiyuan Avenue, Science Park
Guangzhou, 510530, P.R
ChinaEmail: zhang_jiancun@gibh.ac.cn


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.Advancements in Cancer Research: Exploring Diagnostics and Therapeutic Breakthroughs.
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.Alternative Remedies and Natural Products for Cancer Therapy: An Integrative Approach.