Author: Marios Kyriazis

Series Title: Frontiers in Aging Sciences

Challenging Aging: The Anti-senescence Effects of Hormesis, Environmental Enrichment, and Information Exposure

Volume 1

eBook: US $89 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $176
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $356
ISSN: 2468-5933 (Print)
ISSN: 2468-5941 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-336-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-335-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810833531160101


Age-related degeneration may be reduced or even eliminated, by positively challenging the human being, physically or cognitively, to up-regulate somatic repair functions. Exposure to meaningful information and a challenging environment act as hormetic stressors which, in the context of an increasingly technological setting, may invoke evolutionary mechanisms that lead to a persistent maintenance of homeostasis. Thus, there is a strong link between environmental factors and ongoing health, leading to an individual’s ability to continually adapt to age related challenges. Challenging Aging: The Anti-senescence Effects of Hormesis, Environmental Enrichment, and Information Exposure explains the role of hormesis in anti-aging processes followed by information on vitagenes, epigenetics, environmental enrichment and germlines. The monograph also brings newer concepts and theories to the fore, such as ‘environmental enrichment’ and ‘technoculture.’ Medical professionals and general readers, alike, will gain a a new perspective on the processes that counter aging processes in the human being.


- Pp. i
Marios Kyriazis
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- Pp. ii
Suresh Rattan
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- Pp. iii-vi (4)
Marios Kyriazis
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Hormesis and Adaptation

- Pp. 3-37 (35)
Marios Kyriazis

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Vitagenes and Hormetins: The Pills of Hormesis

- Pp. 38-70 (33)
Marios Kyriazis

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Environmental Enrichment: General Concepts and Research

- Pp. 71-98 (28)
Marios Kyriazis

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Epigenetic Regulation and Adaptation to Stimuli

- Pp. 99-120 (22)
Marios Kyriazis

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A ‘War of Trade-offs’ Between the Soma and the Germ Line

- Pp. 121-141 (21)
Marios Kyriazis

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Another Dimension: ‘Zooming Out’

- Pp. 142-168 (27)
Marios Kyriazis

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Energy, Entropy and Complexity: Thermodynamic and Information-Theoretic Perspectives on Ageing

- Pp. 169-200 (32)
Atanu Chatterjee

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Engagement with a Technological Environment for Ongoing Homoeostasis Maintenance

- Pp. 201-233 (33)
Marios Kyriazis

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- Pp. 234-246 (13)
Marios Kyriazis
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Subject Index

- Pp. 247-258 (12)
Marios Kyriazis
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.Animal Models In Experimental Medicine.
.A Handbook of Oral Physiology and Oral Biology.
.Comparative Bioacoustics: An Overview.