Editor: Carlos Polanco

Polarity index in Proteins-A Bioinformatics Tool

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $157
Printed Copy: US $137
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-270-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-269-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810826911160101


Polarity is a physico-chemical property that characterizes the electromagnetic stability of a protein and can be used to predict its plausible pathogenic action. For this reason, polarity is regarded as a major factor in most mathematical-computational algorithms that seek to characterize peptides and proteins. The Polarity Index Method makes it possible to reproduce the main classification of peptide proteins found in different databases, with a high degree of discriminative efficiency.

Polarity Index In Proteins is a brief monograph that explains the foundations of the polarity index method and presents examples of the application of this method for identifying the structural and functional relationships of different types of proteins (including cell penetrating peptides and natively unfolded proteins).

The monograph is divided into sections that cover basic protein biochemistry, the computational mathematical foundations of the polarity index method, the application of the method on different protein structures, and the evaluation of the results of famous experiments on biogenesis (Miller & Urey, Fox & Harada, Rode) by the same method. Polarity Index In Proteins serves as an essential handbook for students and researchers in the field of bioinformatics, proteomics as well as for studies on the role of proteins in the origin of life.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, BIOSIS Previews, EBSCO.


Nowadays technical dimensions in Bioinformatics are of ever increasing importance in the solution of environmental and biological problems, as they provide unprecedented tools for medical doctors and scientist that will help them in the advancement of disease diagnosis and drug development. In this book, Dr. Carlos Polanco overcomes the usual gap between algorithm developers and application designers and application users, describing and illustrating with examples a practical mathematical-computational algorithm named Polarity Index Method whose metric evaluates thoroughly the polar profile of a peptide or protein and predicts the main function associated to them with a high level of efficiency. This book can be used as an introduction in Computational Proteomics for those interested in biological algorithms, as well as a practical Bionformatics tool for the seasoned Researcher.

Jorge Alberto Castañón González
Department of Critical Care Medicine
Department of Biomedical Research
Hospital Juárez de México