Editor: Yukihiro Shimizu

Comprehensive Practical Hepatology

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $151
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-206-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-205-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810820591160101


Acute and chronic liver disease is a global endemic healthcare concern. More than 500 million people around the world are infected with the hepatitis B or C virus. Approximately 500,000 patients die of hepatocellular carcinoma every year, implying that trained healthcare professionals and facilities for liver disease patients is a critical issue. Although promising therapies have been developed for viral hepatitis infections, management of liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma yet many patients suffer due to lack of adequate healthcare by professional hepatologists. This means that primary care physicians should be informed about diagnosing liver disease and the early management of viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Comprehensive Practical Hepatology provides readers current standard primary care guidelines for treatment and early stage management of patients with liver function abnormalities. This book provides a practical approach for physicians to apply on patients with apparent liver function abnormalities. The guidelines also cover:

Acute and chronic liver injury,

Information about the liver in systemic diseases,

Drug usage in liver diseases,

Surgical risk in liver disease patients, and,

Recommendations for pregnant as well as elderly patients.

Comprehensive Practical Hepatology thus provides complete practical advice on the management of liver diseases to non-hepatologists and general physicians.


First of all, I am honored to introduce this exciting book. Dr. Shimizu has been involved in hepatology for over 30 years and has studied hepatology in the United States twice. On the first occasion at the age of 30 years old, he joined the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, where he undertook research for 2 years on tumor immunology in human liver tumors as part of the laboratory of Dr. Theresa L. Whiteside and published 6 papers with her. When he was 36 years old, he joined the Scripps Research Institute, and studied immunology of viral hepatitis under the guidance of Dr. Francis V. Chisari. Since returning to his home university (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University), he has been engaged in clinical and basic research and presented many papers at domestic and international hepatology meetings, that have been published in international journals. Since I became involved in molecular analysis of hepatitis virus, I have had the opportunity to meet him several times at various meetings and discussions on hepatology research.

In 2006, he left the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, and started a new career as a clinical specialist of hepatology. He is now the Director of Nanto Municipal Hospital at which several general physicians work alongside organ specialists. He believes the role of general physicians in liver disease will become more important as the proportion of elderly in the population increases. Many patients with liver injury will first see their general physician and the role of general physicians will increase in the management of patients with liver diseases. Although there are many books on hepatology most are aimed at hepatologists with few books on liver disease focusing on primary care management performed by general physicians. I believe that this e-Book will be a very helpful and practical guide for general physicians.

Nobuyuki Enomoto
Professor, First Department of Internal Medicine
University of Yamanashi