Editors: Gene D. Morse, Sarah Nanzigu

Series Title: Frontiers in HIV Research

Advances in HIV Treatment: HIV Enzyme Inhibitors and Antiretroviral Therapy

Volume 1

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $116
Printed Copy: US $96
Library License: US $156
ISSN: 2405-9862 (Print)
ISSN: 2405-9889 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-057-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-056-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810805671150101


Advances in HIV Treatment: HIV Enzyme Inhibitors and Antiretroviral Therapy presents comprehensive and updated information on drug therapies used to treat and manage HIV infection in human patients. The volume is organized in to chapters detailing respective classes of HIV Drugs including HIV entry inhibitors, reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs), integrase strand inhibitors (INSTIs), and protease inhibitors (PIs). Each chapter compiles background information, pharmacology and clinical aspects such as side effects on the specific classes of drugs represented. Available data for ongoing research for new targets, including vaccines is also presented. Readers will also find a useful introduction to HIV virology and pathogenesis as well as a comparison of the availability and activity of these agents in different populations, opening a discussion on the influence of genetics and resources in curbing the HIV epidemic. Advances in HIV Treatment: HIV Enzyme Inhibitors and Antiretroviral Therapy is, therefore, a holistic resource for researchers, healthcare professionals and clinicians interested in understanding antiretroviral drugs and the management of HIV infection/AIDS. The volume is also of interest to undergraduate and graduate students undertaking specialized courses in pharmacology and HIV/AIDS management.


It is over three decades since man started battling the human immunodeficiency virus and the diseases associated with it. Although HIV has caused millions of deaths especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, no fully reliable cure or prevention of the viral transmission has been identified. Drugs that suppress viral replication (antiretrovirals) remain the only hope for millions of persons infected with the virus. Since the approval of the first antiretroviral agent in 1985, over 30 such products have been registered. Treatment regimens changed from single drug therapies to combinations with highly active antiretroviral drugs, and those combinations also keep changing with new information and therapies. Consolidated updates on data and evidence of effectiveness of these drugs need to be availed to scientists and clinical practitioners. The ever increasing information motivated the writing of a comprehensive book containing consolidated information on the different available and upcoming antiretroviral agents. This book, edited by Prof. Gene Morse and Dr. Sarah Nanzigu provides these materials with considerations of approaches by experts from developed and developing settings. We highly appreciate these experts for their valued input.

This book with updated information on therapies used in HIV management is carefully relayed under respective classes of drugs including Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (RTIs), Protease Inhibitors (PI), Integrase Strand Inhibitors (INSTI), and Entry Inhibitors. Clinically relevant information regarding activity of these agents in different populations is also presented, including comparison of treatment options between resource-limited and resource-rich settings, together with its implications. The book is carefully constructed to become a very valuable asset for scientists and clinicians at different levels of understanding of these drugs. We will highly appreciate feedback from our esteemed readers.

Charles Chiedza Maponga
School of Pharmacy
College of Health Sciences
University of Zimbabwe
Avondale, Harare


The editors and authors would like to appreciate the following people for their various contributions during the writing of this book. They may not have contributed to the actual writing of book chapters, but their availability to; coordinate, guide or counsel was of great benefit to the making of this project.

We appreciate Dr. Michael Makanga, Director South-South, European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), for the guidance and encouragement offered at several stages of this writing. We appreciate that you kept open doors for consultations.

The editors and authors would like to acknowledge the coordinating activities rendered by Mrs. Farzia S. Kaufman, Senior Health Information Research Support Specialist Translational Pharmacology Research Core, NYS Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, University at Buffalo. Without you, this piece of work could not have been a success.

Appreciation further goes to Mr. Davis Odero Osiemo of Odero Osiemo and Company Advocates, Nairobi, Kenya. The guidance and counsel obtained from your expertise was of great help.


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