Author: Claude Ziad Bayeh

Organizational Management: Case Studies for Graduate Students

eBook: US $29 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $127
Printed Copy: US $112
Library License: US $116
ISBN: 978-1-68108-051-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-050-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810805051150101


This eBook presents two case studies of two organizations operating in Lebanon. The author has examined the organizational management practices of these two companies and then proposed solutions for each identified problem. The case studies represent an electromechanical company working in the construction field and a retail company that sells different product lines. This handbook is suitable for readers who are familiar with concepts in organizational management and development. Engineers working in the construction field may also find this book helpful in improving their managerial expertise and for understanding the way different departments within a company work together.


This book contains examples for the Final Project of a Masters degree in Organizational Management. It includes all procedures and all steps needed by students to complete their final projects for courses at this level, and it is a typical format that can be used as a guide for an intervention in any company. The reader should at least have taken some courses in Organizational Management, in order to understand the terms presented in this book, in order to understand how to do an intervention in a company. The studied companies represent, (i) an Electromechanical Company working in the construction field, (ii) a retail Company that sells different product lines. Companies and Engineers working in the construction field may find this book helpful for their managerial skills, and for gaining a better understanding of the Departments in a company, this book can be also helpful for startup companies, small companies and medium companies. The author examined real cases in Lebanon for two companies, and made a profound diagnosis for all departments. He then proposed many solutions for each problem. The names of the companies have been altered to preserve their confidentiality.


The Author thanks to Dr. Rebel Hanna, Ms. Nathalie Roukoz for her help to develop few materials in Chapters 3 and 4, and Mr. Michel Feghali for proofreading the book

Conflict Of Interest

The author confirms that this ebook contents have no conflict of interest.

Claude Ziad Bayeh
EEE GROUP-R&D Department
Emporium 797 Center - Block B - 4th Floor


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