Editors: Annika Agger, Bodil Damgaard, Andreas Hagedorn Krogh, Eva Sørensen

Collaborative Governance and Public Innovation in Northern Europe

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $156
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-68108-014-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-013-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015


Governments all over Northern Europe have placed public innovation high on the political agenda and pursuing public innovation through multi-actor collaboration such as public-private partnerships and governance networks appears to have particular potential.

Collaborative Governance and Public Innovation in Northern Europe draws up the emergent field of collaborative public innovation research and presents a series of cutting-edge case studies on collaborative forms of governance and public innovation in Northern Europe. The edited volume offers scholarly reflections, empirical testimonies and learning perspectives on recent transformations of governance and the way in which new public policies, services and procedures are formulated, realized and diffused. Through the empirical case studies, the book discusses some of the wider political and social drivers, barriers, promises and pitfalls of collaborative public innovation initiatives in some European nations.

Collaborative Governance and Public Innovation in Northern Europe will stimulate debates among scholars and decision-makers on how new forms of collaborative governance might enhance the capacity for public innovation and help in developing solutions to some of the most acute and wicked governance problems of our time.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Social Sciences & Humanities, EBSCO.


The chapters published in this book have grown out of the international Sunrise Conference: Transforming Governance, Enhancing Innovation hosted by Roskilde University, Denmark, in October 2012. Contemplating the link between governance and innovation, the Sunrise Conference brought together more than 100 researchers from all over Europe, about 100 decision-makers from all levels of government, and 70 students from different study programs. Over the course of three days, they worked together in parallel streams and in joint sessions to explore how transformations of governance can spur public innovation. Round tables and panel sessions with academic discussions took place alongside professionally facilitated debates among decision-makers on how to enhance innovation in the public sector, while students worked intensely to come up with the most innovative yet feasible solutions to some of the most acute wicked problems of our time. Throughout the conference, the three streams engaged with each other in thought-provoking and inspiring dialogues that advanced the collective endeavor of grasping how new forms of collaborative governance might enhance the capacity for public innovation. Thus this book deals with an expression of collaborative innovation. We wish to acknowledge all the participants in the conference for their valuable contributions. A special thanks goes to all participating authors who took time to engage in a sustained and enlightening collaboration around the invention of this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the treasured collaboration with our assistant student, soon-to-be MSc in public administration and history, Anna Katrine Sand, who aligned an untold number of writing styles and reference standards into a coherent book.

Annika Agger
Bodil Damgaard
Andreas Hagedorn Krogh
Eva Sørensen
Department of Society and Globalisation
Roskilde University


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