Editors: Marco Pisco, Andrea Cusano, Antonello Cutolo

Photonic Bandgap Structures Novel Technological Platforms for Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensing

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $153
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $176
ISBN: 978-1-60805-507-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-448-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2012
DOI: 10.2174/97816080544801120101


This E-Book covers the research and the development of a novel generation of photonic devices for sensing applications. The E-Book starts with a brief review of basic photonic crystal (PhC) structure related concepts and describes the numerical and technological tools useful in the design and fabrication of devices based on PhCs. Next, the E-Book provides a selection of crossover topics emerging in the scientific community as breaking through researches, technologies and sciences for the development of novel technological platforms for physical, chemical and biological sensing. The E-Book ends with a description of the main PhC sensors to date by representing many of the exciting sensing applications that utilize photonic crystal structures.
Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Science Edition, EBSCO.


- Pp. i
Brian T. Cunningham
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- Pp. ii
Marco Pisco, Andrea Cusano, Antonello Cutolo
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)
, .
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Theoretical Background of Photonic Crystals: Bandgap and Dispersion Properties

- Pp. 3-22 (20)
Caterina Ciminelli

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Analysis of Photonic Crystal Structures

- Pp. 23-48 (26)
Anand Gopinath

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Photonic Crystal Technologies: From Theories to Practice

- Pp. 49-83 (35)
Dennis W. Prather, Shouyuan Shi, Ahmed Sharkawy, Janusz Murakowski, Garrett J. Schneider

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Photonic Crystal Fiber: Theory and Fabrication

- Pp. 84-92 (9)
Annamaria Cucinotta

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Nanostructured Organic Photonics

- Pp. 93-117 (25)
Andrea Camposeo, Elisa Mele, Luana Persano, Dario Pisignano

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Slow Light for Sensing

- Pp. 118-134 (17)
Michael A. Fiddy

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Circular Bragg and Photonic Crystal Resonators

- Pp. 135-156 (22)
Jacob Scheuer, Eyal Benisty, Ori Weiss

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Photonic Crystal Fiber for Chemical Sensing Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

- Pp. 157-179 (23)
Yun Han, Henry Du

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Guided Resonances in Photonic Crystal Slabs for Sensing Applications

- Pp. 180-194 (15)
Armando Ricciardi, Marco Pisco, Giuseppe Castaldi, Vincenzo Galdi, Stefania Campopiano, Antonello Cutolo, Andrea Cusano

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Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensors Based on Photonic Crystals

- Pp. 195-215 (21)
Sanja Zlatanovic, Annette Grot

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Photonic Crystal Fibers for Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensing

- Pp. 216-231 (16)
Roberto Corradini, Stefano Selleri

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Subject Index

- Pp. 232-233 (2)
Marco Pisco, Andrea Cusano, Antonello Cutolo
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.Liquid Crystal Light Modulators: Revised Edition.
.Liutex-based and Other Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Methods for Turbulence Structure.
.Applied Digital Imaging.
.Industrial Applications of Laser Remote Sensing.