Author: E. E. Escultura

Scientific Natural Philosophy

eBook: US $24 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $131
Printed Copy: US $119
Library License: US $96
ISBN: 978-1-60805-701-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-178-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080517861110101


Scientific Natural Philosophy explains the nature and content of scientific natural philosophy, particularly qualitative modeling, and updates scientific methodology by providing details of the mathematics involved. The book presents a total view of our universe, from the fractal superstring to its destiny as black holes back in to dark matter, and to the timeless and boundless ‘Universe’ where our universe is a local super, super galaxy. It stresses the various levels of complementarity between qualitative and quantitative modeling where the former solves and answers questions the latter could not and duality between quantum and macro gravity. It highlights new information from the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) missing in previous philosophical works such as the indestructible generalized nested fractal superstring, brain waves as common medium of the brain and gene for their functions. Moreover, it points to a new technological epoch brought about by the GUT based on utilization of dark matter towards elevating the quality of life. This comprehensive book provides an exciting perspective on this fascinating field to the reader. explains the nature and content of scientific natural philosophy, particularly qualitative modeling, and updates scientific methodology by providing details of the mathematics involved. The book presents a total view of our universe, from the fractal superstring to its destiny as black holes back in to dark matter, and to the timeless and boundless ‘Universe’ where our universe is a local super, super galaxy. It stresses the various levels of complementarity between qualitative and quantitative modeling where the former solves and answers questions the latter could not and duality between quantum and macro gravity. It highlights new information from the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) missing in previous philosophical works such as the indestructible generalized nested fractal superstring, brain waves as common medium of the brain and gene for their functions. Moreover, it points to a new technological epoch brought about by the GUT based on utilization of dark matter towards elevating the quality of life. This comprehensive book provides an exciting perspective on this fascinating field to the reader. explains the nature and content of scientific natural philosophy, particularly qualitative modeling, and updates scientific methodology by providing details of the mathematics involved. The book presents a total view of our universe, from the fractal superstring to its destiny as black holes back in to dark matter, and to the timeless and boundless ‘Universe’ where our universe is a local super, super galaxy. It stresses the various levels of complementarity between qualitative and quantitative modeling where the former solves and answers questions the latter could not and duality between quantum and macro gravity. It highlights new information from the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) missing in previous philosophical works such as the indestructible generalized nested fractal superstring, brain waves as common medium of the brain and gene for their functions. Moreover, it points to a new technological epoch brought about by the GUT based on utilization of dark matter towards elevating the quality of life. This comprehensive book provides an exciting perspective on this fascinating field to the reader.


It is astonishing how wide the enumeration of scientific fields is in this book. One can find here foundations of new mathematics with the new real number system; philosophical foundations of the new physics; theory of evolution; qualitative modeling and quantum gravity; cosmology and macro gravity; theory of intelligence and the nature of thought; geological and atmospheric turbulence and others. In each area of science the author has proposed new nonstandard approaches to its development and solved long-standing problems. The author has formulated about 50 laws of nature that cover vast areas of natural science.

His Grand Unified Theory (GUT) must find a deserving place among other theories claiming to be named Unified Theories. GUT as well as its theoretical applications is based on about 50 natural laws. Foremost among them are: the existence of two fundamental states of matter – visible and dark – and the basic constituent of matter, the superstring, that comprises both fundamental states. Suitable agitation converts dark or non-agitated and semi-agitated superstrings to agitated superstrings or visible matter. The author’s attempt to lift the veil over dark matter deserves attention.

The author’s important contributions in the new mathematics are the resolution of Fermat’s Last Theorem (FLT); the solution of the gravitational n-body problem using the integrated Pontrjagin maximum principle; and the construction of the new real number system (new reals) including the dark number that qualitatively models the superstring.

There are many other new scientific approaches in the book. However, no one on Earth possesses Truth at the highest level and this book while proposing new approaches calls the reader to further investigation.

V. Gudkov
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Latvia, Rainis Boulevard, 29, Riga, LV-1459, Latvia


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