Editor: Narcin P.-Unsal

Mechanisms of Landscape Rehabilitation and Sustainability

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $124
Printed Copy: US $99
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-60805-395-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-168-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080516871110101


Mechanisms of Landscape Rehabilitation and Sustainability is based on the results of landscape rehabilitation with the help of fabricated soil and a new approach on the use of restored soils for building houses and communities.

This book presents discoveries and proposals that have emerged from the authors' research and explains ways to protect Earth's ecosystems against further degradation. These proposals are founded on the philosophy of sustainable development and its application to various aspects essential to the long-term success of human beings; these include community coexistence, education, water purification and recycling, agriculture, the production of fabricated soil for landscape rehabilitation, and the preservation and propagation of wild flora. Strategies for both indoor and outdoor systems are covered in this publication.

The book covers several subjects including molecular biology, botany, microbiology, soil biochemistry and human interaction with the ecosystem. Methods for soil rehabilitation ultimately allow us to obtain optimal crop yield.

Mechanisms of Landscape Rehabilitation and Sustainability is of particular interest to academic and professional biologists, soil scientists, ecologists, agronomists and architects.


An achievement of sustainability demands a better understanding of plant-soil relationships as agriculture remains a primary activity to sustain a growing human population. 'Mechanisms of Landscape Rehabilitation and Sustainability' by Valentin Kefeli and Winfried Blum (Narcin Palavan-Unsal, Editor) fulfill this objective through a comprehensive presentation, which is articulated in four parts, and twenty-two chapters (Pp. 191). Initially, the authors present soil as a component of the biosphere. Such an important resource deserves special attention as topsoil loss undermines food security, on a global scale. Thus, the need to develop more sustainable land management practices is predicated and approaches to 'construct' soil from renewable biomass becomes an interesting aspect, which is presented at the beginning of the book.

Part two elaborates a step further on practices aimed at rehabilitating soil through what the authors call "a fabricated soil'. Emphasis to this effort is given to microbial activities as bacteria and fungi play fundamental roles in sustaining life within a soil system. These biocenoses are conducive to a stabilization of the soil organic matter. As the humification process leads to the mineralization of carbon rich macromolecules, and as the cycle of plant, nutritional elements is completed, allowing nutrient uptake by the root systems of the plant community.

Part three presents plant physiological processes like growth, photosynthesis and hormones interactions and how these interact with the soil. Chapter 17 can be of particular interest to readers who wish to better understand the implications of phenomena like allelopathy in the cultivated field. The success strategy to overcome soil-sickness appears to be linked to the compelling need of increasing biodiversity in the soil and this can be achieved by diversifying the biomass employed to make a fabricated soil.

The concluding part of the volume (Part four) connects soil and plants with water and the hydrologic water cycle. Plants are at the interface between lithosphere and atmosphere and thus the stability of plant communities play a vital role for maintaining the equilibria of terrestrial ecosystems. However, plants are also employable to recycle polluted water and wetland construction and maintenance inspire readers to want to learn more about this practical application and use of plants. The conclusion section illustrates briefly the authors' breadth and depth of knowledge of plant biology, soils and applied ecology. Their effort to connect several sciences together in a language that is easily understandable should be commended. This book can be of use to the professional practitioner (e.g. ecological engineer, restorationist, landscape architect and others) and also to students of biology and life applied sciences.

Professor Bruno Borsari
State University