Author: Alexandrina Lobo

Physical Activity and Health in the Elderly

eBook: US $21 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $80
Printed Copy: US $69
Library License: US $84
ISBN: 978-1-60805-329-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-100-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2010
DOI: 10.2174/97816080510071100101


Physical inactivity is not only an individual's personal problem but is identified as a serious public health issue. Prolonged inactivity that occurs among many elderly persons tends to lead into a gradual decrease in all components of physical fitness, thus compromising their quality of life.

Scientific research has shown that physical exercise can slow down both the psychological and physical aging clock. Engagement in health promoting behavior in the domains of physical activity, healthy dietary practice and stress management are considered useful strategies to enhance functional capacity among elderly people. These practices delay the onset of chronic diseases, minimize negative psychological effects and improve social networks and the quality of life, particularly for the elderly.

This Ebook goes a long way in promoting healthy values by providing people with information and tools to help meet the challenges of promoting physical activity for older adults in this dynamic 21st century we live in.


Across the developed world, birth rates are falling and people are living longer. This situation is demanding the exploration of new roads to promote healthy aging, rather than merely treating the diseases of old age. A powerful therapeutic option for promoting healthy ageing as well as for treating age-related diseases is physical activity. There is compelling evidence that physical activity practised on a regular basis plays a key role in maintaining health and physical function also in older adults. Indeed, some International Institutions, such as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine strongly recommend older adults (≥65 years) to enrol in aerobic and strength activities most of the days of the week.

The present E-book thoroughly describes in a clear and understandable format the potential role of regular physical activity to improve the well-being of older adults. This text will be a very practical and useful guide for public health professionals, health and fitness leaders, healthcare providers, and anyone who is interested in learning more about physical activity and health in the elder from an expert in the field.

Increasing physical activity is a public health challenge and the author presents an ambitious and broad-ranging review of the current state of our understanding of physical activity and health and offers very practical tools to meet these challenges.

Jonatan R Ruiz
Karolinska Institutet


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