Editor: Max Suell Dutra

Series Title: Mechatronics Series 1

Intelligent Transportation Vehicles

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $153
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $176
ISSN: 1879-4483 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-543-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-60805-081-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2011
DOI: 10.2174/97816080508191110101


Mechatronics Series I: Intelligent Transportation Vehicles brings the latest advances and developments in intelligent vehicles to readers on the basis of their significance and quality. Wider dissemination of research developments will stimulate more exchanges and collaborations among the research community and contribute to further advancement of this rapidly growing field. This Ebook series includes key contributions presented by different researchers. These contributions represent a wide coverage of the state-of-the-art and the emerging research directions in intelligent transportation vehicles.


- Pp. i
Hans Ingo Weber
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- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Luiz Bevilacqua
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iv-vi (3)
Luiz Bevilacqua
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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robot Teams with Visual Sensors

- Pp. 1-32 (32)
Vivek Anand Sujan, Marco Antonio Meggiolaro

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A General Reactive Motion Planning Scheme for Cyber-Vehicles on Urban Roadways

- Pp. 33-50 (18)
Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Rafael Torres Cordova

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Dealing with Traffic Information and User Profiles a Semantic Approach Based On Datex II

- Pp. 51-66 (16)
David Torres Garrigos, Jose Javier Samper Zapater, Juan Jose Martinez Dura

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Inter-Vehicular Communication using IEEE 802.16e Technology

- Pp. 67-87 (21)
Raul Aquino-Santos, Luis A. Villasenor-Gonzalez, Víctor Rangel-Licea, Arthur Edwards-Block, Alejandro Galaviz-Mosqueda, Luis Manuel Ortiz Buenrostro

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Clustering Techniques for Grouping Traffic Events

- Pp. 88-101 (14)
Silvia Del-Campo Romero, Juan Jose Martinez Dura, Jose Javier Samper Zapater

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Distributed Control of Job Shop Systems via Edge Reversal Dynamics for Automated Guided Vehicles

- Pp. 102-114 (13)
Omar Lengerke, Felipe M.G. Franca, Max Suell Dutra

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Intelligent Warehouses: Focus on the Automatic Routing and Path Planning of Robotic Forklifts Able to Work Autonomously

- Pp. 115-145 (31)
Kelen C. T. Vivaldini, Jorge P. M. Galdames, Thales B. Pasqual, Marcelo Becker, Glauco A. P. Caurin

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Task Control of Intelligent Transportation Vehicles in Manufacturing Systems

- Pp. 146-169 (24)
Diolino J. Santos Filho, Francisco Y. Nakamoto, Fabrício Junqueira, Paulo E. Miyagi

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Implementation of Chaotic Behavior on a Fire Fighting Robot

- Pp. 170-182 (13)
Magda J.M. Tavera, Omar Lengerke, Max Suell Dutra

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- Pp. 183-184 (2)
Max Suell Dutra, Omar Lengerke
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.Robotics and Automation in Industry 4.0.
.Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes.
.Advances in Manufacturing Technologies and Production Engineering.
.Advances in Nonconventional Machining Processes.
.Reinventing Technological Innovations with Artificial Intelligence.
.Induction Motor Computer Models in Three-Phase Stator Reference Frames: A Technical Handbook.
.Coherent Wireless Power Charging and Data Transfer for Electric Vehicles.
.Fault Tolerant Drive By Wire Systems: Impact on Vehicle Safety and Reliability.