Author: Amitabh Verma

Marketing in a Digital World: Strategies, Evolution, and Global Impact

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $143
Printed Copy: US $103
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-981-5305-46-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5305-45-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2025
DOI: 10.2174/97898153054561250101


Marketing in a Digital World: Strategies, Evolution, and Global Impact explore the dynamic realm of digital marketing with this essential guide tailored for students, professionals, and business owners. This book covers topics on strategic integration of digital tools within business frameworks, emphasizing key digital marketing strategies crucial in today’s technology-driven environment. Beginning with foundational insights on digital marketing’s evolution from traditional methods, it progresses to in-depth discussions on SEO, social media, content marketing, and data analytics. The book addresses emerging trends like AI and AR in marketing, alongside critical topics such as data privacy regulations and customer relationship management. It also features practical case studies and industry insights.

Key Features:

  • - Comprehensive coverage of digital marketing strategies and tools.
  • - Practical insights with case studies and examples.
  • - Focus on emerging trends and ethical considerations.


Ideal for undergraduate and graduate management students, marketing professionals, and educators seeking to master digital strategies aligned with business goals.


In the book ” Marketing in a Digital World: Strategies, Evolution, and Global Impact”. Dr. Amitabh Verma, an Assistant Professor at Sohar University, Oman, has made notable contributions. His sections explore into the intricacies of digital marketing, highlighting the transformative role of technologies like AI and machine learning. He discusses the shifting consumer behaviors and the increasing significance of data privacy in digital marketing. Dr. Verma's insights reflect a deep understanding of how digital marketing is evolving and offer valuable guidance for adapting to these changes. His work in this book is a testament to his expertise and thought leadership in the field.

Mostafa Ghasemi Baboli
Faculty of Business, Sohar University
Sohar, Oman