Author: Eliade Stefanescu

Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy

Volume 4

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $95
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Library License: US $236
ISSN: 2542-5072 (Print)
ISSN: 2542-5064 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-5274-62-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5274-61-4 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152746141240401


Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Vol. 4 explores the intricate relationship between quantum mechanics, relativity, gravitation, and electromagnetism, offering insights into the dynamics of quantum particles in various fields. The book covers key phenomena such as spin, graviton spin, black holes, and quantum states in extreme conditions, including black hole formation. It explains how quantum particles behave as distributions of matter, using wave functions to describe their propagation. Further, it examines electromagnetic and gravitational field interactions, quantum particle transitions, Dirac’s formalism of general relativity, and their applications in quantum electrodynamics and unified field theory.

Key Features:

  • - Detailed explanation of quantum particle dynamics and wave function theory
  • - Discussion of quantum particle transitions and spinor fields
  • - Exploration of black hole dynamics and gravitational wave interactions
  • - Comprehensive coverage of unified field theory, integrating electromagnetism and gravity
  • - Applications to quantum electrodynamics and particle collisions


Postgraduate researchers, advanced physics students, and scholars interested in quantum mechanics and field theory


Some time ago, after a long career, I asked myself what quantum mechanics is. Starting an investigation with the basic laws of Plank-Einstein and de Broglie, I came to the conclusion that a quantum system is completely described only by two dynamic equations in the two conjugate spaces of the coordinates and momentum, and more than that, with the Lagrangian instead of the Hamiltonian as it is considered in the Schrödinger equation. With the Lagrangian in the time-dependent phase of the wave packet describing a quantum particle in the coordinate space for a certain energy, we obtain this phase as a function of the coordinate velocity, which leads to the equality of the wave/group velocities with this velocity. More than that, when the relativistic Lagrangian, as a function of the coordinate velocities, is considered, this equality remains. On this basis, the two wavefunctions in the two conjugate spaces can be considered as amplitudes of matter distributions. We obtain the mass quantization rule as the equality of the mass of a particle and as the integral of its density, with the mass as a dynamic characteristic in the time-dependent phases of its wavefunctions. In this way, quantum mechanics and general relativity became a single theory. In this framework, we obtain a cosmological model describing the main characteristics of our universe, such as the Big Bang, inflation, redshift, dark matter, and dark energy, which is in full agreement with the theory of relativity. These subjects have been approached in the third volume of this book.

In this book, we reconsider this new quantum-relativistic theory in the more general case of the field-dressed particles. For such a field, we obtain the Lorentz force and the Maxwell equations in general relativity. We obtain quantum dynamic equations and wavefunctions for a field-dressed particle-antiparticle system, entirely describing the relativistic effects. We use Dirac’s formalisms for quantum mechanics and for general relativity. We revise the Fermi golden rule with applications to quantum electrodynamics. In this theoretical framework, we consider the quark dynamics under the action of the four forces acting in nature and obtain a grand unified theory. In this way, we avoid the huge ontological and cosmological difficulties raised by the Schrödinger-Heisenberg description, which, however, remains a brilliant approximate description and formalism, perfect for the steady states and, for one hundred years, has been leading to the spectacular results of our civilization and today is used in very important application fields.

Eliade Stefanescu

Advanced Studies in Physics Centre of the Romanian Academy

Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania